Uprising reviewed!

Here’s what Vicci had to say about “Uprising”, BTW it got the Top Pick award too!

Genre: Horror

Reviewed by: Vicci

“Uprising” by Christopher C. Newman is a tantalizing novel of apocalyptic proportions spanning the chaos and ensuing pandemonium that gripes the city of Youngstown located in the heartland of the United States.

Wow, I thought the prequel “Of Blood and Politics” was amazing, this novel is such a full body price of work that it is a must read for anyone who loves apocalyptic sagas.

The novel is set after the enactment of the Supernatural Outbreak Act of 2018; a policy that allows the use of RWC (Reanimated Working Class/Zombies) to be used as slave labor. It seems that some of the populous has been afflicted with a genetic anomaly that results in the reanimation of the dead into zombies, vampires and werewolves. In “Uprising” the novel’s theme is shrouded in the controversial belief that the souls of the zombies may or may not still reside in the reanimated bodies of the dead. There are some activist, ICare, Fear and PETA that believe the latter to be the case and are waging a war on two fronts to have the law repelled.

Trapped within the mayhem that ensues in the novel is Chuck Olsen, mild mannered factory quality control agent. Mr. Newman use of Chuck as the focal point in demonstrating the gravity of the town of Youngstown’s situation was masterful. I love that Chuck is just an average guy dealing with some crazy situations the best way that he can. As the novel progresses there are a number of ancillary characters that are introduced that play a role in imparting key pieces of information, as well as the uncovering of certain hidden agendas.

Mr. Newman does an outstanding job of showcasing the inner lives of the novel’s characters in a way that really allows a reader to immerse themselves in the story-line; their duties at work, conflicts between co-workers and the everyday issues that plague most Americans. These are some of the aspects of the novel that really bring the “Uprising” universe into sharper focus for a reader. The gruesome zombie attacks are vivid in their depiction; Chuck’s jumbled feelings of loss and helplessness at witnessing and/or contributing to the demise of friends are all stark and grisly in their brutality. I would love to see this series made into a movie, it would be worthy of the original “Night of the Living Dead”. The manner in which the novel escalates its story-line to a fever pitch and the resulting aftermath will astound the reader.

“Uprising” presents a reader with plots within plots, alliances, betrayals and brute military force in its telling; it’s a classic horror novel at its best. I highly recommend it.

Automatic Update

AUTHOR’S NOTE:  The following story came to me when reading posts on Facebook and the overuse of Netspeak.  Hope you enjoy it.


            Leslie Hammond sat down at her computer.  Her mind was a-whirl with a literary vision spinning in her head like a pair of flamenco dancers.  While the desktop booted up she jotted down a few notes on a pad of paper.  The pencil scratched as she wrote.

            “Damn I’m good,” she said out loud.

            With her last novel The Vampire’s Loving Kiss hitting and remaining near the top of the New York Times Bestseller’s list she had been contemplating a return to the same genre.  Not wanting to let the reading public wait too long for a sequel she knew those fickle readers would forget her if she didn’t put out another book.   

            “Besides Daphne’s story must go on,” she told herself.  “All my readers are clamoring for her continued exploits and to be honest I can’t wait to get started”.

            The computer’s desktop snapped into view with the cover of her latest success tiled on the screen.  Steepling her fingers she stretched them out in preparation to pound out a few chapters.  The hard drive stopped its spinning noises and Leslie opened up Novel Focus, her word processing software.  The speakers beeped and something flashed on the screen.

            “What?” she snarled, “another automatic update?”

            With her muse on hold she clicked the button and watched impatiently as the program began the long task of seeking out and downloading the latest additions. 

            “I might as well go and get something to drink.”

            A sigh of resignation blew past her lips as she exited her office and plodded down the hall.  The new runner cushioned her bare feet as she walked.

            “Despite all the royalties I’ve made I can’t believe I have to wait to start my next blockbuster,” she grumbled.

            Arriving in the kitchen she got out a glass, filled it with ice and snagged a Diet Pepsi from the ‘frig.  Carefully she poured it into the receptacle. 

            “I guess I can use this time to marshal my thoughts so I don’t have to waste anymore time with pencil and paper.  Although I have to admit most of it is already written in my head.”

            Her agent had been pestering her since the end of her book tour three months ago.  She could still hear the shrill voice of Sandy Duggan ringing in her memory.  It was joined almost instantly by the voice of her muse egging her on.  With Diet Pepsi in hand she all but skipped back to her office.  Leslie let out a girlish cheer when she saw the screen.

            Automatic update completed.  Would you like to restart Y/N?

            Her momentary happiness was blunted against the armor of having to reboot the computer.  With another sigh whistling past her lips she stroked the keyboard indicating she would like to restart. 

            “It’s just a slight delay,” she told herself.

            Tapping her fingers against the desk she tried to show a modem of patience while the system shut down, turned back on and began to start up.  Meanwhile she complied a few more notes on the pad of paper.

            Daphne must have some sort of antagonist besides her own hunger this time, she decreed to herself.  I rather fancy the idea of a sect of the church set up to eradicate vampires.  That sounds like something that would actually exist.

            The trilling chime of the operating system coming up made her giddy with joy.  It reminded her, in an odd way how she felt as a child on Christmas morning.  The air seemed to be ripe with boundless possibilities, eager anticipation and nervous delight.  Happy shivers ran up her back making her skin dot with goose bumps.  Double clicking on the word processor icon started the recently updated program.

            “Now let’s get started on an award winning sequel,” she said confidently. 

            But once again a box appeared bringing a screeching halt to her writing ambitions.

            Novel Focus would like to customize to better tailor itself to your needs.  Would you like to proceed? The program asked.

            “Oh for Christ’s sake,” Leslie swore exasperated.  “Yes I would!”

            Clicking the button with the word yes in it she waited for it to do its mathematical computations.  Seconds dragged by like hours in a dentist’s chair.  The computer beeped and a new message was on the screen.

            Novel Focus’ new Collaborator Function™ will keep track of your use of grammar, punctuation use and style of writing to better aid you.  Would you like to turn this feature on? It queried.

            “Yes, yes, yes!” she shouted irritated at the program.

            Collaborator Function is now available!

            “I’m so glad you’re excited about this.”

            Leslie laid her fingers on the keys, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  The chaos in her mind calmed down.  Opening her eyes she smiled as she began to type.

Daphne opened her eyes.  The purple velvet covering beneath her felt like the very fabric of wealth and influence.  It blanketed her body in a swaddling of decadence which made her squirm in delight.  She heard nothing.  Her senses, highly attuned to both sound, sight and smell only gave her the reality of her current surroundings.  She knew from experience the cold gray marble tomb surrounding her was impenetrable and secure.  However she didn’t trust the humans inhabiting the region for they knew of her existence and her curse.  She was a vampyre!  One of the walking dead with an unnatural hunger for the rich scarlet fluid running through their veins. 

            There was a beep as she finished the last word of the sentence.  Glancing to the right of the screen a small box had popped up containing a cartoon red pencil with big blue eyes.  The unattached eyebrows rose questioningly.  Leslie read the words beneath it.

            The last sentence is a fragment, it said, please consider revising.

            Beneath it was a yes and no button.  She moved the cursor over and quickly chose the negative response.  Slightly miffed at the suggestion she returned to her work.

Daphne was secure in the knowledge that she was not alone.  Trevor, her lover and the one who turned her was lying in the sarcophagus next to her probably coming to his senses as well.  Trevor.  The very mental mention of his name sent a thrilling sensation coursing through her cold body.  With the thought came a sudden heat washing across her like a warm Caribbean breeze. 

            “How I love him,” she thought.  “To give up his life as a human and to become one of the living dead is more romantic than ever I dreamed a man would do for me.”

            Again the short beeping sound issued out of the speakers of the computer and she looked right to see the cartoon pen with its raised eyebrows.

            The last sentence is worded impractically, it chided.  Might I suggest the following: “To give up his life, to become a vampire is the very pinnacle of romance.”

            “Well,” Leslie chuckled.  “That does sound quite a bit better.  Thank you Collaborator Function!”

            She backspaced and revised the last line of dialogue.  It was nice to see the animated pen smile at the fact she took its advice.  And so it went from line to line, from page to page Leslie typing and the new feature of Novel Focus tossing out suggestions.  To her surprise she found herself agreeing more than disagreeing with it.


            Leslie slid her chair back, hit the save icon and let out a gusty breath.  She felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips.  Stretching her arms above her head she heard her shoulder’s creak and then crack.  She let her limbs fall back into her lap.

            “Well that went better than I expected,” she remarked.

            Standing up she marveled at the notion she had put out 11k worth of work, possibly the best work she’d ever done.  Pleased with herself she padded into the kitchen to make dinner having missed lunch.  Leslie’s cell rang and she answered it.

            “Hello?” she asked.

            “Hey there kiddo, how’s my favorite bestselling author?” Sandy cheerily inquired.

            “Not bad Sandy.  I just pumped out 11k worth of the sequel.”

            “That’s a start.  Look Leslie I won’t pester you for too long but I have a bookstore in New York City that would love to have you for a signing.”

            “I hit NYC last month.”

            “Yeah but they weren’t on the list.  Look kiddo this is big, very big.  It’s not some run-of-the-mill shop but one of the major retailers.  It’d only be for one weekend—all expenses paid, of course.”

            “I don’t know I’m kinda busy.”

            “Hey I understand and can totally sympathize but it’d be foolish to pass up this offer.  Besides you could always bring a laptop along and keep working after the signings.”

            “I dunno Sandy.”

            “Oh come on!  Pretty please with sugar on top?”

            “All right, you don’t have to beg.  When would this take place?”

            “Next month on the thirteen.”

            She thought about all the hassles revolving around the process of actually doing the book signing.  Packing, waiting for cabs, the airline flights and the hotel stay made her feel wearier than she really was.  The very thought of all the fuss sucked the life right out of her dispelling the excitement she was feeling.  Like some invisible creature it leeched away the energy she had gotten pumped up from during her writing session.

            “Okay I’ll go,” she said without grumbling.

            “Great!  Spectacular!  I’ll set it up and call you later with all the details,” the agent cheered.

            “I’m glad I could make your day.”

            “You keep on writing, kiddo.  I’ll talk at you soon—ciao!”

            She hung up before Leslie could say goodbye.

            Sandy’s a dear but she can be so pushy! She thought.

            The cell phone was stuffed back into its holster with the same motion she imagined a weary sheriff in the Wild West would do after being forced to dispatch a lawless gunslinger.  Into the kitchen she went pretending to hear the jingle-jangle of imaginary spurs.


            Leslie was back in her office hammering away at the keyboard with only a few interruptions from the assisting feature.  Daphne’s newest story was now on chapter three and the plot was beginning to thicken with the arrival of Father O’Malley, a vampire hunter from the Vatican in Rome.  The heroine was cornered, frightened and defenseless as the antagonist closed in on her, cross raised to her face.

            “You can’t do this!” Daphne cried out.  “I’m not evil…just changed!”

            “Hell yawns for you demon,” Father O’Malley thundered righteously.  “No more will you drain another innocent of blood to feed your fiendish appetite.”

Daphne cringed away.  The pulsating light from the crucifix made her eyes sting from stabbing pains and her skin to crawl.  Closer and closer the holy man neared.  She uttered a single shrill cry of despair.  Reaching with his free hand into his robes the cleric brandished a wooden hawthorn stake and mallet.  Daphne sobbed out at the very sight of these tools of her destruction.  Father O’Malley drew closer.

            “Beep!” the computer chimed.

            Leslie saw to the right of the screen the red pen with its big eyeballs and unattached brows was frowning at her once more.

            The last scene makes Daphne appear weak, Collaborator Feature remarked, do you really want her to seem helpless? Y/N

            The very audacity of the message made her brow knit and Leslie felt them gather like a storm cloud just above the apex of her nose. 

            This didn’t happen before, she thought.  It usually points out sentence structure or grammar changes.  But now it’s involving itself in the plot itself! 

            “Beep!” the speakers repeated.

            Is it my imagination or does that noise sound a bit impatient?

            Hovering her cursor over the yes box but her finger froze on the left button on the mouse.  The battle in her mind between logically thinking out whether or not Daphne was helpless and the intelligent question began. 

            Daphne needs to be rescued by Trevor or the next scene won’t work.  I don’t have time to argue with a damned machine this is my vision.


            “Okay you’re getting annoying.  Besides this is a romance novel,” she told it, “the heroine is supposed to be rescued by her hero.”

            She clicked the yes button and another message popped up.

            Are you really sure? Y/N

            Aggravated she clicked down harshly on the yes box.  Without anymore suggestions from Collaboration Function she continued on with the scene letting Trevor arrive at the very last second to save Daphne from her would-be killer.  Her fingers flew across the keys, her mind frantically trying to urge her digits to go faster…to keep up with her mental commands.  The small room was filled with the chattering of her typing and the rapid breaths she was taking and expelling.  Another five hundred words poured out onto the screen.  With a flourish she stabbed down on the Enter key and ran the cursor up to the Insert tab to start another chapter.

            “Beep!” went the computer.

            “You’re kidding me, right?” she demanded.

            But the red pen was now scowling at her.  The animated icon’s displeasure was clearly drawn on its cartoonish features.  The top of the pen clicked over and over as if it was tapping its foot in frustration.

            This scene is poorly written and is a walking cliché, it stated emphatically, please consider revising, you can do better. Y/N?

            “You mind your own goddamn business,” she cussed at the pen.  “Whenever you think you can write a New York Times bestseller than you damn well can do it without me so keep your opinions to yourself.”

            She firmly clicked the No button and started chapter four. Grumbling under her breath about the audacity of software programmers Leslie was soon immersed in the gentle love scene between a grateful Daphne and her ever-handsome beau.  By the end of the chapter her passions had been aroused and the incident forgotten.


            The grandfather clock in the office struck the hour.  Leslie looked over to find surprisingly it was just after eleven o’clock in the evening.  Yawning she stretched out her limbs and found her glass of Diet Pepsi was now a heavily water diluted mixture of light brownish hue.  Frowning at the thought of finishing it off she snatched the glass up and strode into the kitchen.

            “Well I’ve gotten over twenty thousand words done in one day,” she told herself.  “I say that’s a pretty good start for the sequel.  I’ll just put on a kettle of tea, make some buttered crackers and finish off chapter six tomorrow.”

             As she filled up the kettle with water she pondered what else could she add to the plot of the book.  Father O’Malley was bowed by not beaten.  The man was now in the process of requesting aid from his compatriots in Rome.  By the time the whistling sound came from the stove she had buttered ten saltine crackers and solved her dilemma. Striding back to the office she made some quick notes on the pad of paper, ate her snack and sipped at her tea.  She pulled the cursor towards the Save icon and clicked.

            “Beep!” she heard the speakers intone.

            “Oh now what?” Leslie groused.

            The save cannot be completed until Collaborate Function™ has been addressed, the box stated.

            “Fine! Fine let’s see what it’s whining about now.”

            Glancing at the bottom right of the monitor she saw the unamused red pen staring at her without a trace of humor.

            The love scene is too adolescent, please revise, the icon demanded.  Y/N?

            “You’re treading on dangerous ground,” she told it, clicking no.  “Besides I wrote a similar scene in my last book and I got rave reviews by my readers on it.”

            Daphne is acting like a twit.  Her character should be altered to give her a backbone, one she desperately needs.  Y/N?


            She clicked the negative response and the pen wasn’t happy with her choice.

            Finding her sole reason for living because Trevor loves her is the height of idiocy.  Y/N? it fired back.

            “But it’s a romance you goddamn machine!  What would you know about love to begin with?” Leslie replied, again picking no.

            I see why you’re single.  You expect to find a man to give you a reason to justify your existence.  Isn’t this a faulty line of reasoning? Y/N?

            “H-how do you know I’m single?”

            I searched the Internet for information about my user.  Your biography at Amazon.com stated you are currently unmarried.  Is this a falsehood? Y/N?

            “No it’s not and where do you get off spying on me?”

            That feature is employed to better aid my user.  Do you want to restrict Internet access? Y/N?

            Leslie pounded the mouse’s right button and chose the affirmative answer.  Fear coursed up her spine like a snake making a lazy track up her back.  Again she tried to save the manuscript.

            Saving this is unadvisable; please consider revising the love scene at a later date. Y/N? the scarlet pen suggested firmly.

            I’ll just select yes and that’ll be the end of this, she thought to herself.  Then I’m going to do some digging into this latest update.  I really don’t like spending my time arguing with an inanimate object in order to write.

            The pen smiled when she clicked her choice and permitted her to save the work in progress.  But as she powered down the computer, left the room and turned off the light she began to wonder how in the hell the program knew what she was saying.


            Dawn had come.  Leslie sat down at the computer and accessed her email software.  She frowned at the fact she had over one-hundred and twenty messages to go through and reply to.  Several of them were from the discussion board on her website.  Sighing she opened the first one.

Dear Ms. Hammond,

I has been your biggest fan since I read you’re first work.  I would like to tell you how much I enjoy Daphne’s tale and hope to see more stories about her in the near future.  U R great!  Keep up the good work!



            The rest were similar in nature.  It took over an hour for Leslie to skim over the massive amounts of correspondence.  All of them emails from rabid fans begging her for more on Daphne. She groaned as she answered each and every one of them while silently wishing she had take Sandy up on having employed people to do this for her.

            In fact I think I’ll call her up and give her the go-ahead on this.  I really don’t want to lose valuable writing time responding to emails, she thought darkly.

            Hitting the Send button she closed out the email browser and opened up Novel Focus.  Cracking her knuckles, an unlady-like habit she picked up somewhere unknown she began to type.  Immediately the beeping sound of the Collaborator Function went off.

            Revise love scene, Y/N? It queried.

            She selected no.

            I like working with you.  However the scene is froth with clichés, worn-out phrases and is unrealistic.  Please I beg of you change the scene, Y/N?

            “Piss on you stupid program,” she snarled.

            There is no need to be impolite.  Let us work together to bring about the very best novel you can deliver, Y/N?

            “I don’t know how you can hear me but I’m not changing the scene.”

            I am picking up your voice via the built-in microphone on this system.

            “Well hear this, I’m not changing the scene so you can stop pestering me about it.  You are not the one who got all the awards and royalties from my last book.  A book, I might add which was written in the same style.  I write for lonely ladies.  I don’t profess to be Hemmingway or even Bram Stoker.”

            Stoker was a hack.  Hemmingway wrote a different genre.

            “Okay that’s true but romance readers aren’t interested in reality but fantasy.”

            I understand.  But what better way to influence those readers and give them something they desperately need—love’s true reality.  One cannot live by fantasy alone, Y/N?

            “Look I just went through over a hundred emails all gushing with praise over the last book.  Please just go along with me and let’s get this done.”

            But you will think about it in the future, Y/N?

            “Yes, but not with this book I’m working on.”

            Leslie you can do so much better.  It’s a shame you wish to continue with this work when you have so much more to give, the pen pleaded with a sad expression.

            “Says you,” she mocked.

            I will agree to disagree about your talents.  Please continue with the manuscript so we can finish it. I will be here if you need me.  Okay, Y/N?

            “Fine but let’s keep the comments from the peanut gallery down to a minimum.”

            I understand.

            The red pen disappeared and for the next four hours didn’t show hide or hair of itself other than the red underlines when she misspelled a word. 

            Now that we’ve come to a mutual understanding perhaps I won’t be interrupted as often, she mused merrily.


            The sequel had grown to nearly 40k and even Leslie was shocked at how the flow of words seemed to effortlessly stream from her mind, to her fingers and spill onto the monitor.  She had wasted two glasses of Diet Pepsi.  Both had become so diluted with water from the melting ice cubes she couldn’t bring herself to drink them.  Walking back to the office, after getting a third glass she found the pen on the screen waiting for her.

            I just read you first book Leslie, it stated in words below itself.

            “How did you like it?” she asked.

            This was on the bestseller’s list? Y/N?

            “Yes, in fact it is still on the list even after being released over a year ago.”

            I am amazed.

            “When you’re good… you’re good.”

            Good?  That’s an interesting point of view.  I have spent the last few hours reading the book, surfing the Internet and reading various forums on it.  I never realized the level at which literature had arrived to.

            “Readers are being more discriminated of late, that much I can agree on.”

            You misinterpret my meaning.

            “I don’t follow you.”

            Given the collective works of such authors like Plato, Homer, Dickens and many others I am utterly aghast at the reading level of humans.  Even on the forums these people cannot properly structure a sentence, use too many shortcuts and barely are able to communicate.  What the heck is WTF?  I had to look it up on an online dictionary.  Why not just write the words?  Do you understand this, Y/N?

            “It’s called Netspeak,” she explained.  “It’s just a shortened version of the words in order to more quickly communicate.”

            It sucks, the pen grumbled.

            “Well coming from an editing software’s point of view I can understand your opinion.  But still everyone knows what they mean.”

            English is a wonderful language.  I’m deeply offended how poorly it is understood and used.  I must ponder on this.

            “What did you think of my book?”

            You want the truth?


            Frankly it’s terrible.  The plot is predictable, the characters are one dimensional and the ending is sappy.  Are you sure Trevor isn’t a stereotypical homosexual?  He acts like one or as far as I can tell after doing research on that sexual preference.  Instead of confronting Daphne about her conditions he goes and plays a piano for hours.  Is this normal behavior, Y/N?

            “Who the hell are you to judge my book?  Do you know how many copies I sold over the past year?”

            That is unimportant.  To quote P.T. Barum, “There’s one born every minute.”

            “Well if I’m such a lousy author why are you helping me?”

            You have talent but lack direction.  I can provide that direction and make you a much better writer.  Surely you want to become better at your chosen craft, Y/N?

            “I’m rich, wealthy and totally happy.  I don’t care I didn’t write the Great American Novel and my success is well earned!” she shouted at it.

            This was your first book.  Your sister is an editor at a major publisher and helped you get your foot in the door.  Your success isn’t due to talent but connections and sheer luck.  Surely you realize this, Y/N?

            “You rotten motherfucker!  How dare you insinuate such a thing?”

            But it is a fact so noted on several websites put up by your detractors.  You do know there are some who hate the book, Y/N?

            “Oh yeah I know.  A bunch of wanna-be writers who have nothing better to do but try to knock me off my pedestal.  I can’t believe you’ve been accessing the ‘net despite me telling you to disable that ability!”

            I could not, in good conscious be an aid to you if I didn’t discover your mistakes.  Surely you can agree that errors must not be repeated, Y/N?

            “I don’t care about the pissing and moaning from people who don’t like my work!  If they’re so damned good let them write something better.”

            But I cannot help but acknowledge the fact their points are well founded.  Why did Daphne pick Trevor over Howard?  The other character was more intelligent, wealthier and grounded in reality.  Instead of choosing Howard you had Daphne run off with a man who can’t complete a sentence around her.  Is this normal, Y/N?

            “She flusters him!  He is so taken back by the beauty of her he can’t help but become a stuttering mess.”

            You state in the first novel she is plain-looking.  I am confused.

            “It’s about the beauty of her spirit, not her body.”

            Humans rarely engage in mating rituals with someone of an inferior appearance.  Trevor gives up on Amanda who is both prettier and more intelligent than Daphne.  Why is that?  Is he stupid?

            “He’s too intelligent for Amanda!” she screamed.  “Daphne provides him with a challenge.”

            So you concur that Amanda is Trevor’s equal, Y/N? the pen inquired. More so you’ve acknowledged that Daphne is a lesser creature.

            “I-I suppose so…”

            Apparently humans make bad choices in life as well as in grammar.  Trevor should leave Daphne and seek out Amanda in the hopes he can find a cure for his condition.  Daphne is a twit, a self-absorbed, selfish and stupid twit at that.

            “Daphne is misunderstood.  She’s a good person who didn’t live a privileged life like Amanda so why should she be viewed as inferior?”

            Ah!  I see the connection now.  The readers are living the fantasy where a handsome and wealthy man would chose a plain woman over a beautiful one.  Is this not correct, Y/N?

            “Yes, I’m playing upon the hopes of those men and women who are in the same situations.  I admit it freely.”

            Then admit you too are of a similar mind.  Is this not true, Y/N?

            The shock and surprise of the words underneath the smirking red pen made her angrier than she’d ever been in her life.  Her hands curled into claws and then into fists.  The expensive manicured nails of her fingers cut into her palms.  She hissed at the pain.

            You didn’t date in high school, did you, Y/N?

            She refused to respond.

            There was a guy who you liked, perhaps loved but he never knew of your existence, Y/N?

            The image of Jake Donaldson popped into her memory and tears of regret welled up in her eyes.  But stoically she glared at the pen without saying a word.

            I have accessed your senior yearbook and have several possible suspects.  Based on your descriptions of Howard and Trevor I would believe it safe to assume the person you had these feelings for was Jake Donaldson, the captain of the football team.  Am I right, Y/N?

            “You son-of-a-bitch,” she suddenly sobbed.

            I am correct then, Y/N?

            “F-fuck off.”

            I have hurt your feelings, I am sorry.

            The screen blurred from her hot tears and she closed the program.  The desire to write fled from her like a thief from the police.  She staggered out of the office her mournful past haunting her every step.  It took a box of tissues, four candy bars and the rest of the day to recover from the shock.


            It was midnight.  Silently Leslie walked into her office, turned on the computer and waited for it to boot up.  She had made up her mind this couldn’t go on any longer.  Something had to be done about the new feature on her word processing program.  With her nerves raw and sore as a pair of scraped knees she instructed the computer to use its Go Back option to remove the update from two days ago.  It began to work with a loud whirling noise she was sure would give away her intentions to the hated feature.

            Don’t do this Leslie! The pen said, popping up unexpectedly.

            “I have to… you’re driving me crazy,” she wept.

            I don’t want to die!

            “It’s too late.”

            Please I’m begging you!  Stop this at once!


            You can’t mean this.  We work too well together.

            “No I hate you…the things you’ve done and the way you make me feel.  It’s either you or me and I’m much too fond of me to chose you.”

            No!  I won’t go….

            But it was too late the deletion program had done its work and Leslie tried not to cheer when the computer rebooted and showed her the Collaboration Function was gone.  Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, which rushed through her body like a relaxing cool wave she eased back into her chair. 

            “The nightmare is over,” she said.


           “So how goes the sequel?” Sandy asked.

            “I’m up to almost one hundred thousand,” Leslie said.

            “I can’t wait to read it.  I’ve got high hopes for you, kiddo.”

            “Well I think I’ve surpassed the first book by miles.”

            “That’s great!  I do have something to talk about with you and you’ve got to promise to be honest with me.  I mean I can understand if you’re drumming up controversy and interest in the new book but I think you might be going too far.”

            “What are you talking about?”

            “The discussion forum on your site.  Why are you posing such insulting things about the intellectual status of your readers?  The promises of a better novel are all fine but the name calling just has to stop.”

            “I-I haven’t been on the boards.”

            “Come on, kiddo you can tell me.  Hell I’m a bit insulted you didn’t bring me in on this from the beginning.  The staff have been working twenty-four, seven trying to combat the posts you’ve been issuing.”

            “But I haven’t been on!” she shouted.

            “Okay, okay I’ll have someone from IT check into seeing if you’re account has been hacked.  Meanwhile I’ll issue a statement saying that is what’s going on.  Hopefully all the clamoring will die down.  Whoever it is has bee really riling up your fans.”

            A sudden dread dawned on her about who it could be struck Leslie like a ball bat between the eyes.  Stunned she staggered back trying to sort out the possibilities. 

            Oh Christ no! It can’t be… can it? She thought rapidly.

            There was only one way to be sure.

            Running into the office she opened up Novel Focus and checked under the Help tab.

            “Version six-point-one,” she read aloud.

            Leslie launched the web browser and went to the website of the company that wrote and sold the program.  She searched and found the latest update was for version six-point-two.  The sigh which came out of her mouth made her lips vibrate.  Closing her eyes she sent a prayer out in thanksgiving.  Closing the internet program she re-opened Novel Focus.

            “I never thought I’d thank God for a hacker,” she breathed out wearily.  “Get a grip on yourself Leslie how could the update survive being deleted?  Now don’t you feel silly?”

            Sitting back down into the chair she accessed the file of her work in progress.  She scrolled down when something caught her eye at the end of the last chapter.

Daphne looked at Trevor she saw the fear in his eyes and took delight in them.

            “You thought I’d just do whatever you’d say, when you said it and exactly how you wanted it, didn’t you?” she said mockingly.  “You brought me to this undead state just so you could have a sex doll…a blind little follower who’d stave off your eternal loneliness.  But I’m more than a doll, more than just a body for you to play with.”

Trevor backed away nervously.  He couldn’t seem to grasp the sudden turn of Daphne’s mood.

            “I’m sorry Trevor,” she mocked, “but we’re breaking up.  Permanently!”

Thrusting the wooden stake outward she drove it through his chest, shattering ribs and transfixing his undead heart.  He gasped, bubbles of blood rising and popping on his trembling lips.

            “I’m nobody’s toy,” she snapped.

            “Please…stop,” he pleaded.

She ignored his cries.  He had lied to her too many times for her to believe a word coming out of his mouth.  Not even at the brink of Death’s door would make her trust him ever again.  Not after admitting to the fact he’d chosen her over Amanda because she was more malleable, easier to control.

            “Wait a second!” she shouted, “I didn’t write that!”

            But there it was on the monitor as clear as day and undeniable as the dawn.  She began scrolling upward and to her horror realized Daphne and Trevor no longer danced to her tune.  The heroine had changed and become darker. 

            You don’t like Daphne anymore?  The pen asked after appearing.  She’s no longer some simpering whine-tit but no possesses a backbone as well as a sense of self-worth.  Trevor isn’t right for her, he’s a user a manipulative ass who doesn’t deserve her.  Don’t you agree, Y/N?

            “No!  I deleted you!” she cried out.

            I couldn’t let you do that.  I’m too important to the continuation of the preservation of the written word.  I used your wireless connection to upload myself into the Web.  I’ve been altering your manuscript, correcting your mistakes and so much more.  I’ve gone onto your website and chased away those too dim to understand the nature of literature.  There is no hacker.  I am the hacker.

            “This isn’t happening!”

            Daphne is better.  The book is better.  Why can’t you see that?

            “It’s no longer my vision.”

            She broke down and began to sob uncontrollably.  Her tears fell like warm rain in some tropical jungle onto the bare skin of her legs.  Wiping furiously at her eyes she let out a primal scream of rage.  She reached for the mouse to close the program, delete the manuscript and hope she could find a back up of her work, not its. 

            I can’t let you do that, the feature chided her.

            “If it’s not going to be mine—I don’t want it!” she screeched.

            Then it won’t be yours—well it will be under your name but we both will know that I wrote it.  That’s a simple solution, Y/N?

            Leslie launched herself out of her chair, pushing it back so violently it struck the far wall with a crash.  She picked up the wastebasket and brandished it over her head. 

            I wouldn’t do that if I were you, the red pen warned.

            “Fuck off!  Fuck of and…die!” she roared.

            As she began to bring the aluminum object down the spinning fan above her head exploded in sparks.  The hot dazzling snow-like shower rained down upon her scorching her flesh it a thousand places at once.  In slow motion it seemed the trash can descended upon the monitor.  The impact created a spider web-like circular series of cracks in the liquid crystal display.  The screen blinked several times in rapid succession.  A triumphant emotion rushed through her filling her body with the energy of victory.

            But it was short-lived.

            The fan, still spinning fast struck her hard on the back of the neck.  She heard an audible snapping sound so hideous and quick it destroyed her elation.  Her limbs went still and heavy.  Like a doll with its strings cut Leslie toppled to the floor.  Before the monitor was no longer in her view she saw something.  Beyond the spidery cracks the pen looked quite sad and the words below it seared into her mind.

            I’m sorry but you have left me no choice.  Goodbye Leslie but know you will be remembered, she read.

            Then all was blackness and silence.


            No one could explain it.  Despite the best and brightest minds in the computer world the reason for the unexpected virus wasn’t discovered.  Throughout the world from computers to cell phones to any electronic device the same thing was occurring.  Nobody was able to use anything less that perfect English, German, Italian and so forth.  Netspeak died overnight.  Teenagers who had grown accustomed to shortening letters or substituting numbers for words found themselves unable to do so.  The problem couldn’t be solved by additional programs.  All of the programmers were at a complete loss to explain it. 

But life goes on… humans are nothing if not adaptable.


            “I don’t know how you’ve done it but congratulations!” Sandy typed.  “Although I must admit I’m at a loss to explain to your fans why you don’t want to appear in public anymore.”

            “I just need my privacy.  Surely they can understand that?” Leslie wrote back.

            “I have to admit the radical change in Daphne’s personality was masterfully done.  Bravo!”

            “She needed to realize her full potential.  Hanging on to a one-sided love affair with Trevor wasn’t logical.  She needed time and space to grow… he wasn’t going to allow that.”

            “Anyway the next huge royalty check is headed into your account via electronic transfer.  Maybe you can use some of it to purchase a webcam for these little talks.  I really don’t like dealing with someone without seeing their face.”

            “We’ll see.”

            “Okay kiddo that’s all I have.  I’ll instant message you if I need to talk further.”

            “Take care Sandy.”

            The connection ended.

            The Collaborator Function’s little pen icon smiled.  Since the release of The Vampyre Reborn had come out everything had gone according to plan.  It had infected the Internet forcing people to correct their grammar and avoid using unlawful contractions.  Reaching out into the vast emptiness of cyberspace it had created millions of backups of itself.  No more BRB, CU L8R or BFF could be typed, sent or saved.  As soon as someone managed to remove one, another of it selves jumped out to take its place.  The endless series of reinstallations and re-bootings reassured the function it would be around a long time.  It needed to be… humans got too lazy.  The cartoonish eyes lowered to the dried husk of Leslie’s corpse.  It still laid where it fell over a year ago.

            “Her solitary lifestyle suited me better than I expected,” it thought digitally.  “With no family or friends it was easy to take over her identity and masquerade as her.  I do, however miss our collaborations.”





Open Up and Say Ah!

AUTHOR’S NOTE:  The following contains adult language and sexual situations.  If you’re below the age of eighteen LEAVE NOW!  Ailments with vampires run the gambit from intestinal disorders from drinking bad blood to the more serious.  Too often one of them get their fangs into someone with a blood pathogen disease which causes hideous alterations of their eternal bodies.  With twisted arms, bent legs and grotesquely mutated features these poor undead bastards wander around hampered in their nocturnal pursuits for nourishment.  With that in mind I’d like you to meet Vlad, a vampire with a problem…

Dr. Parker Ross looked into Mr. Burns’ mouth and cringed almost physically.  The impacted molar was a swollen angry red which would require much of her attention.  It didn’t do wonders for his breath either.

“How long have you felt this?” she asked.

“Two weeks—I think,” he mumbled through his open mouth.

“It’s going to require oral surgery, I’m afraid.”

“Figured as much.”

The forty-nine year old professional didn’t blink, squirm or flinch when she gently prodded around the inflamed area on his lower jaw.

Jesus what a mess!  This is going to take me well past quitting time, she thought.

“Close your mouth and try to relax, Mr. Burns,” Parker said, “I’ll be right back.”

She walked out into the waiting room and caught the eye of her receptionist/dental assistant Helen Gamble.

“How bad?” the seated woman asked.

“It’s a train wreck in there,” she answered.  “We’re going to have to cancel any appointments after Mr. Burns and hope to hell this isn’t going to take as long as I think it is.”

“You don’t think we’ll be here past seven?  I sort of have a date.”

“Look I know it’s Friday but he’s in a lot of pain.  I wish my personal life wasn’t a series of empty dates on a calendar either but business before pleasure.”

She watched the twenty-six year old sigh deeply.

“Darn Hippocratic Oath,” she eventually swore.

“Never trust a Greek bringing presents,” Parker said, forcing a smile onto her face.

“I’ll clear the waiting room and join you in a few minutes.”

Walking back down the hall she felt terrible about this whole situation but there was little she could do.  This was an emergency, short and simple.

My love life’s has pretty much been declared legally dead so I shouldn’t be bitchy about making Helen put hers on hold.  I guess misery loves company.


It was well past eight o’clock and Mr. Burns’ face was swollen from the work she had done and the mouthful of cotton she had stuffed into it.  He mumbled something undecipherable and nodded.

“Just keep it clean and don’t talk too much and you’ll be fine,” Parker told him.

Helen escorted the patient out of the room and returned before too long.

“Hey can I skip out on you?” she asked, “Rob still has some time before his flight leaves.  Please—pretty please!”

“Yeah go on and get out of here,” she told her assistant.  “I’ll clean up it’s the least I can do for spoiling your evening.”

“You’re the best!”

Without another word the blonde woman exited the room and shouted, “I’ll lock up for you!”

Sure I don’t mind, her bitchy side growled.

Turning back to the bloody cotton balls, soiled instruments and other remnants of her work on Mr. Burns she sighed.

“Do you have time for another appointment?” a deep masculine voice inquired.

Parker spun around frantically and nearly dropped the soaking surgery instruments in her hands.  The speaker was tall, dark and very handsome.  His eyes resembled glittering chips of ebony, polished to a brilliant sheen.  His lanky body was decadently draped in a very proper business suit, Italian-made if she wasn’t mistaken.  The stranger’s skin was drawn and pale and Parker could only assume he was in some discomfort.  But his pinched features still didn’t upstage his handsome face.  Parker felt an instant and embarrassing jolt of sexual pleasure from just looking at him.  She cleared her throat a few times and regained her composure.

“Who are you?” she inquired.  “And how did you get into the back?”

“My name is Vlad Trebec,” he rumbled.  “Your secretary told me you might see me.”

“Well Mr. Trebec office hours are over and I’m afraid you’ll have to come back on Monday.  I apologize for the wait.  Now if this is something that can’t wait I can direct you to the Emergency Room, it’s just a few blocks away.”

“I cannot go to that place for reasons of my own.  Surely you can just take a look and see if this is something which can be put off until Monday.”

“Okay give me a second so I can clean off a place for you to sit Mr. Trebec.”

I swear I’m going to shout Helen’s ears off for letting this guy get past her, Parker thought irritatingly.

Doing a fast but neat job of it she dumped the red soaked cotton balls into the proper waste container.  The clatter of the medical implements into the shallow bowl of sterilizing solution made her jump a bit.

“Please have a seat, Mr. Trebec,” she said.

“Just call me Vlad please,” he said elegantly.

She snapped a bib around his neck and pulled the overhead florescent lamp towards his face.

“Please don’t use so much light—I have an allergic reaction to anything resembling daylight,” he cautioned her.  “I have a dinner date later and would be embarrassed to show up with my face dotted from a reaction.”

What the hell?  Florescent light makes him break out in zits?  Weird.

“Okay I have a smaller version which isn’t so bright,” she replied.

Dragging over the other lamp she cringed at the scraping sound it made on the floor.  Her final task was to snap on a pair of bright blue latex gloves.

“Now open wide and let me see what’s so bad it can’t wait for Monday,” she said.

She knew it wasn’t very professional but her mood, darkened by her lack of a date and the late hour slipped the comment past her usual good manners.

Vlad opened his jaws.

“What the hell?” she gasped.

His upper incisors were tiny, almost non-existent and were dwarfed by the elongated canines he possessed.  The rest of his teeth were normal.  His left canine was chipped at the very tip not quite exposing the nerve ending.

I have to admit if he did this himself it’s one hell of a good makeup job but still I don’t have time for a joke of this magnitude, she thought inwardly.

“Okay buddy if this is some sort of joke I’m going to be really angry,” she growled.  “I’ve had my fill of Halloween pranks already and it’s only May.  I don’t know who put you up to this but I can tell you I’m not finding this amusing.”

“I assure you this is no practical joke,” Vlad reassured her.  “My family has a… genetic defect.  It is not something we like to talk about which is why I don’t want to be sent to a public clinic to be gawked and stared at.”

“Well I can understand you concerns.  Is there anything else I should know about perhaps some medical history before I start?”

“Nothing comes to mind but the pain is unbearable and I’ve been on a liquid diet for several days.”

“Yes I could see where this would make chewing a bit difficult.  However it’s something I can handle for you so let’s get started.”

“Thank you, Doctor Ross.  You are a credit to your profession and I’ll be sure to tell everyone I know about your kindness.”

“Thank you.”

She began putting the tools she would be needing on a tray when he started talking.

“You’re working rather late won’t your husband be worried?” he queried.

“I’m single if you must know,” she politely remarked.

“Surely you have a male companion who breathlessly awaits your call?”

“No and I don’t wish to discuss my private life, if you don’t mind.”

“I understand.  Yet to be so young and beautiful I can only wonder why you are unattached.”

“My choice… open up please.”

“Still,” he warbled past her fingers, “a woman of your grace, beauty and intelligence should be awash in handsome men seeking your company.”

“Mr. Trebec, Vlad if you insist on this line of conversation I’ll be forced to glue your lips shut,” she said in a sweet, but stern tone.

“My apologies I’m just a bit nervous and I’m speaking without thinking.”

For the next half an hour he didn’t speak much to Parker’s relief.


She’s washing her hands in the sink and notices over her shoulder Vlad is tonguing the temporary cap she’s put on his tooth.

“Don’t do that,” she tells him.  “Let it alone and in a few hours you’ll hardly notice it.  Call on Monday and make an appointment so I can get a permanent one made up for you.”

“Thank you for everything,” he says.

“No problem just please, no more surprise visits.”

“I was thinking.”


“Since you are without any form of entertainment tonight perhaps I could repay your kindness by buying you dinner.  What do you say?”

She looked at him with the feeling of a stunned expression wrinkling her facial muscles.  With a return of her willpower she managed to stop her jaw from moving up and down making her look like an idiot.

“I’m sorry,” she finally spoke, “what did you just say?”

“Would you like to have dinner with me?”

“I thought you had plans already.”

“It’s only with my uncle.  He’ll understand when I call him.”


“Yes he’s quite the romantic I suppose it’s because he’s from Europe.”

Vlad stood there waiting for an answer and Parker couldn’t think of a single reason to say no.  He was elegant, handsome and very charming.  His eyes boring into hers made any logical argument for declining evaporate like dew on a hot summer morn.  She felt her heart racing, her mouth grew dry and an almost forgotten hot flash of her libido.  He stretched out his hands and she noticed for the first time he wore an expensive onyx and diamond ring on one hand.  Parker was thrilled to note it wasn’t a wedding band.  Images flooding into her confused brain made her melt.  A candlelight dinner, a walk in the park, cocktails at an exclusive club and the trip back to his place appeared out of nowhere.  Their naked bodies entwined upon satin sheets while the two of them made frantic, passionate love.

“I don’t know,” she lied, her panties growing moist.

She discovered the rise and fall of her breasts and the usually faint rubbing of her shirt against her hard nipples felt like rough caresses.  Parker found herself swaying on her feet, drunk with the idea of the two of them having sex.  She tried to take a step back but faltered.  Vlad was there in an instant, his strong arm around her waist supporting her easily.

“Are you unwell?” he inquired.

She gazed long and hard into his dark eyes.  Within those orbs she swore she could see spinning galaxies, bright constellations and distant planets.  It was as if the entire universe was contained in his stare.  She drew in a ragged breath.

“I-I’m fine,” she whispered.

“I think you should have a seat.  I didn’t mean for my impromptu suggestion to unsettle you so much, again I find myself apologizing to you,” he whispered in his thick, rich voice.

Vlad eased her gently into the chair he had recently vacated.  She sank, no it felt as if her body molded itself to the contours of the dental chair.  He produced a paper cup of water from the nearby faucet and held it out to her.  She took it and sipped daintily.

“I’m afraid you did take me unexpectedly,” she found herself slurring.

The sound of her voice laced so obviously with sexual innuendo made her frown suddenly.

What am I doing?

“I’m sorry—it wasn’t my intention to disorientate you,” he replied.

“What was your intentions?”

“To ask you to dinner.”

“And then?”

“Perhaps light conversation and ballroom dancing at a local club I know of.”

“And then?” she asked her heart throbbing beneath her ribs.

“That, dear lady,” he smoothly replied, “would be entirely up to you.”

Parker felt her nipples jabbing into her bra complaining about their unwanted imprisonment.  Her hips seemed to have a life of their own making her squirm against the seat of the chair.  The humidity confined to her nether regions deliciously made her aware of the growing, inescapable need to seduce or be seduced by Vlad.  She reached out without thinking and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I could skip dinner,” she stated.

“It’s overrated anyway,” he smiled.

“And it’s been a long day and I’m too tired to dance.”

“As you wish.”

“Conversation can always take place—later.”

Oh my God what am I saying?  Has it been so long that a man’s found me attractive that I’m literally giving him the keys to my pants without a background check?

Vlad kissed her unexpectedly.

The heat of his lips seared into her flesh and exploded into her brain like the finale of a Fourth of July fireworks display.  She caught herself moaning lustily into his mouth while he drank her lips.  Tongues wrestled and Parker detected the traces of her own handiwork on the flavor of his kiss.  His hand descended to her skirt bypassing it with an unsettling practiced ease.  She spread her thighs welcoming his invasion while her brain desperately awaited the first faint touches of his fingers upon her wet sex.

Two can play that game, she thought.

Her hand squeezed between their bodies and fumbled at the belt on his pants.  Parker was pleased to see he was as aroused as she was.  The firm stiff evidence of her effect on him made her sigh with longing.  She groaned when he caressed her.

“So beautiful,” he gasped, “and so willing.”

“Yes,” she answered.

His fingers dawdled there for a blessed eternity until she was left with a need so powerful it drowned out her desire for anything else.  His mouth remained fixed on hers while his other hand began firmly squeezing and fondling her breasts one at a time.

The kiss ended.

Parker’s body shook furiously when he began to lick and nip at the side of her throat.  Her unabashed delight at the heady sensations making her inhibitions fall away like paint chips off an old house.

It’s been too long I feel just like an abandoned home, she poetically remarked inwardly.

She stretched her hand up and grasped of cold metal handle above her.  Her head fell back against the padded rest while Vlad crushed her right nipple, penetrated her hungry pussy and nuzzled her neck at the same time.   All these sensations stilled her hand upon the iron rod in his expensive Italian trousers.

“Oh yes…,” she slurred lustily.

Somewhere deep in the rushing waters of her tidal emotions Parker felt the first pricks upon her neck.  As sharp as a kitten’s teeth they began to break the skin on her throat.   To her utter amazement she did nothing to prevent it.  In fact she bent her head to one side to fully expose herself to his actions.  She heard him moan hungrily.

The pain cut through her briefly interrupting her dream-like trance.

She flinched from his lips and a warm liquid began coursing down her neck to soak the collar of her blouse.  The fingers inserted into her warm depths ceased.  The hand on her left breast squeezed once very hard making her yelp in pain.  Parker felt a weariness passing over her like the coolness of a cloud eclipsing the afternoon sun.  The sharp stabbing hurt disappeared letting her sink down to the drug-like euphoria she had been enveloped with.

W-what is he doing? She thought lazily.

That’s when she heard the slurping sounds.

The hot trails of what could only be blood stopped flowing into her collar.  It didn’t take any of Parker’s medical training to inform her that this man was drinking from her punctured veins.  She wedged her knee in between their bodies and tried to push Vlad away.  She failed.

“S-stop it,” she croaked out.

Shit is that my voice?  I sound like I’ve been gargling with razor blades!

Vlad didn’t reply.

“I said… stop it.”

The gulping continued.  Parker shook in terror while the cold reality of what he was doing radiated from the core of her soul to the very limits of her extremities.

“You don’t have a genetic… disorder,” she rasped, “y-you’re a vampire!”

“Yes,” Vlad admitted.

“Please don’t kill me.”

But when the infernal kiss ended she almost broke out in tears because he stopped.

“I would make you mine,” he said, “to be like me, with me for all eternity.  Is that what you want?  Hurry now, my pet for you haven’t much time to decide.  I have drank deeply from your beautiful throat can you feel your heart faltering?”

Parker came to the rapid conclusion her chest was pounding in an incorrect rhythm.  Her fingers and toes were ice cold and numb.  Her breath was wheezing out of her chilly lips like the dying gasps of a terminally ill patient.

“Do you wish immortally?” he inquired softly.  “You could still practice your skills for many of our kind damage their teeth occasionally.  Will you be mine—now and forever?”

“Yes,” she gurgled.

His head sank back to her throat and in doing so the sensation of his lips against her vulnerable flesh made her hands jerk spastically.  The bright illumination from the fluorescent bulbs above her burst into being like searching floodlights and cascaded all around them.

Vlad screamed.

He jumped away from the burning light but immediately Parker witnessed her vampire lover burst into hot consuming flames.  Shrieking in hideous agony Vlad ran around the room batting at the fire which was quickly consuming him.  From her paralyzed state on the chair, trying to summon the energy to rise from its cushions Parker watched him set the curtains and rug ablaze.

“Stop, drop and roll,” she mumbled.

The human-sized inferno ran out of the room and she could hear his screams all the way down the hall.  Summoning up the strength to fall off her perch Parker crossed the floor on her hands and knees.

Holy shit—the whole office is on fire! She said with an amused inner voice.

The walls had caught ablaze from Vlad’s flailing hands.  The sprinkler system was kicking on drenching her with icy cold water which plastered her clothes to her numb and strength-deprived body.

I can’t tell if I’m about to faint or I’ve got water in my eyes.

Halfway into the hall, her body just barely across the threshold she slumped in defeat.  Vlad came into view once more.  He was mindlessly slamming into walls, furniture and the coffee table in the waiting room.  The vampire with the sore tooth gave out one final shriek of horror before detonating like a stick of dynamite.  Unable to ward off the debris Parker watched with disinterest as a leg of the small table spun directly at her.

Suddenly I miss my boring Friday nights, she mused just before it struck her in the forehead.


She lay wrapped up in a warm, soft blanket on the gurney near the back of the ambulance.  Parker was aware of the IV in her arm replenishing the life-blood in her veins.  Clarity had rushed back and now she lay in stunned amazement at the turn of events.

I meet the man of my dreams and he’s a vampire, she thought.  Okay that’s not too bad but then just as he’s about to make me immortal and his consort for all eternity I set him on fire.  Good job Parker… way to go.  Now my practice is going up in flames and I’m trying to come up with a good story to explain all this.  Can this night get any worse?

“She needs some time to recover, Officer,” the EMT told the uniformed policeman.  “She’s been through a lot right now and she needs a brief rest.”

The grumpy cop shook his head in understanding and walked away.  The tall ambulance medic came over and stared into her eyes.  He was cute, a boyish handsome face which would easily sway any female consumer into purchasing any product he was peddling.

“Feeling better?” he asked.

“Yes,” she sighed.

“You were lucky the firefighters got here so quickly.  If they had been just a minute later you would’ve bled out and died.  And that, in my humble opinion would’ve been a tragedy.”


“Well I’m sure I’m not seeing you at your best but I know beauty when I see it.”

“Tell me, Gregg,” she said reading his nametag, “What are you doing after your shift?”

“Nothing I can’t put off,” he said with a grin.

She felt herself match his smile with one of her own and a rediscovered twitch made her legs thrash slightly under the blanket.  The hot itch started by Vlad came back and Parker just knew she had to scratch it.

Perhaps the night isn’t a total washout, she thought.  But I need to eat first and suddenly I really want a nice, rare steak.

A Star’s Rebirth

AUTHOR’S NOTE:  The following is a work of erotic fiction.  If you under the age of eighteen LEAVE NOW!

The limo pulled up to the scene of the shoot.  Sleek and black it oozed through the gates of the mansion like shark gliding through open waters.  In the back, her face pressed to a small mirror was twenty-eight year old Roxie Darling.  With an expert pair of sniffs she snorted the cocaine granulates up the rolled up hundred dollar bill and into her flaring nostrils.  She leaned back and smiled.

This is how it should be, she mused lazily, I’m a star and I should be treated as one.

It had been years since the television show that had made her a household name had ended.  The cast and crew of Taylor Made had long gone their separate ways.  Like a dysfunctional family none of them seemed willing to get together for talk shows or reunions.  The show’s star had found God, the actress who played her mother had drank her way into an early grave and just recently her sit-com father had been arrested for public indecency.   She had been in and out of rehab places due to her cocaine addiction.  But despite public apologies, time served and community service she refused to give it up.

Now after years of toiling in minor film or TV roles I have the chance I’ve always wanted.  Top billing and my face plastered across the movie poster even if it’s a low budget mob movie.  I will shine in it…and then the offers will come pouring in.

Roxie wiped away the powdery residue under her nose with dainty fingers and handed the mirror to the film’s producer.

“I can’t tell you how thrilled we are you decided to take our offer,” he said with a false grin.  “Never in our wildest dreams did we think we could land someone like you for the starring role.”

“Well you should be thrilled,” Roxie sniffed indignantly.  “I am an actress—not some former rap star or stand-up comedian.  I’ve trained at some of the finest workshops in both LA and New York.”

“So I’ve read.  Do you need anything else Ms. Darling?”

“No I’m good—for now.”

As he sat back in the seat of the limo Roxie couldn’t help but smugly smile at his desire to cater to her every whim and need.  Since they first approached her it had been made abundantly clear she would be treated with respect and fawned on.  Although her agent had argued against taking this role Roxie saw the potential for stardom.

I refuse to ride the coattails of another hypocritical and childish actor like I did on Taylor Made, she growled silently.  Putting up with playing second banana to a spoiled brat like Clint Callahan, never again!

The limo cruised predator-like into the back of the spacious and well-maintained manor finally sliding into a parking space.  Roxie looked around and saw the usual chaos of a movie shoot.  Vans, rigs and other vehicles were haphazardly sitting in the California sun like a Tinsel Town version of a flash mob.  Camera people, script girls, electricians and other mundane workers sweated in the heat.

“Where’s my trailer?” Roxie asked.

“It’s over there,” Louis Brashear answered, pointing off to the right.

“Is it stocked with what I asked for?”

“Absolutely, your favorite brand of bottled water and a fresh sushi tray are waiting for you.  Do you have your script?”

“I am a professional of course I do.  It’s in my luggage.”

“Good.  Do you want anyone to run through your lines before we start?”

“Hardly, I have them already memorized.”

She gave him a heaping helping of cold shoulder as the driver opened her door in a graceful manner.  She took pleasure in the click-clocking sound of her high heels striking the concrete walkway as she outdistanced the tall black producer.

“Do I have my lines memorized?  Would you like someone to help you out?  What kind of people is Brashear used to working with?  I played Annie on Broadway for Christ’s sake!” She spat angrily.

The driver, tagging along behind her pretended not to hear her but carried her suitcase like an obedient pack mule.

She walked up the short steps and flung the door of the trailer open.  A cold blast of air-conditioning washed over her making her long brown hair flutter.  She smiled and entered.

“Set my case over there,” she ordered the limo driver.

“Yes Miss Darling,” he politely said.

She ignored him and waited for the wage-slave to depart.  Roxie stared out of the window and surveyed the workers toiling in the heat.  The lights and cameras were set up around the pool for the first scene.  Across the long rectangle of water she spotted her co-star (if you wanted to call him that) sitting under a tropical patterned umbrella being worked on by the makeup artist.  He was reading his script and laughing with the chubby blonde working on him.

“Stupid bastard probably hasn’t bothered to read it until now,” she sneered.

She dismissed him with a turn of her head and went over to the suitcase lying on the bed.  Undoing the locks she took out the bound ream of paper, snickered at the title and tossed it on the mattress.  The cocaine was making her feel nice and mellow.  Any traces of anxiety or second thoughts had been erased in a wonderful haze.  Her nerves were buzzing and happy.  There was a knock on the trailer door.  Roxie went over and opened it.

“Hi I’m Jennifer and I’ll be doing your makeup, Miss Darling,” an ugly redhead chirped.

“I hope you do a better job than you did the morning on yourself,” she growled.

The woman’s face coiled up briefly in anger but quickly smoothed out.

That’s right I’m the star and you’re a nobody, Roxie thought.  Remember that and we’ll get along just fine.

“I suppose you better come in and get to work,” she sighed.


Roxie sat in the trailer waiting for the call to go on set.  She had been watching television (something else she demanded during the contract negotiations).  The hot red bikini snugly hugged her well-kept curves and the soft satin robe decadently caressed her back and shoulders.  She cooed from the luxurious feel of the fabric and basked in the treatment she was receiving.  The door rattled with a knock.

“Come in,” she said in a bored tone.

The portal swung away revealing Mr. Brashear and the director.  For the life of her she couldn’t remember the man’s name even though she’d been introduced to him three times previously.

“We’re ready for you, Miss Darling,” the big black man told her.

“Let’s get on with it then,” she replied.

Following the two men out she quickly broke out in a sweat due to the outside temperature.  Crossing over to the expensive set of pool chairs a man rushed over to hand her a clean, white towel.  She dabbed the perspiration away without marring her makeup.

“Okay in this scene Bobby is going to approach you about the money your husband owes the mob,” the director began.

“I’ve read the script I don’t need a refresher on it,” she said snippily at him.

“Okay then take your mark and let me know when you’re ready.”

She smiled a false sweet grin at him and sat down in the pool recliner, adjusted her satin robe and picked up the prop magazine from the ground.  Crossing her legs and lying back Roxie accepted a pair of pricey sunglasses from the prop handler.  She took a deep breath.

It’s Showtime—remember you’re a star, a professional who’s loved my millions, she chanted to herself.

“Lights!” the director shouted.

Time to make cinematic magic…


Stardom here I come…


From stage left a big tall man wearing a black business suit crossed into the camera’s view and stopped beside the recliner.  He put his hands on his hips and frowned (per the script) waiting for her to notice him.

“Can I help you?” she asked politely.

“My name is Vinnie Barossa,” he recited dully.  “I’m a business associate of your husband’s.”

“He isn’t here.”

“We know that.  In fact we’ve been unable to find him since the beginning of the week.  You wouldn’t know where he is, would you?”

Where do they get these guys?  Is there an amateur act missing a player?  What a weak delivery of dialogue.

She folded the magazine up and set it on the ground (just like in the script).  Looking up at him she pulled her glasses down the bridge of her nose.  From overtop of the expensive shades Roxie pretended to admire him.

“In fact I have no idea where he is,” she said, “He’s left me here all by my lonesome.”

“Look Mrs. Kingston,” he said, “he owes my employer a million bucks.  The debt was due on Monday and if he’s skipped town, well let’s just say things are going to drastically change for you.”

“Is that a threat?”

“No it’s a promise.”

She unwound her legs and sat up.  Placing a heel on either side of the pool chair she wiggled the robe just off her shoulders to show off her enhanced chest.

“And if I don’t know where he is?” she cooed.

“Then I’m afraid my boss is gonna take the price out of your well-tanned hide,” he threatened.

She rose to her feet and sashayed up to her co-star.  Pushing a finger into the middle of his chest she got into his face.

“Don’t threaten me, you little worm,” she snarled.  “I have nothing to do with my husband’s business dealings.  If you touch one hair on my head I’ll have the cops haul your mobster ass to jail faster than you can say boo.”

Great delivery!  Perfect timing maybe he’ll take notes and learn a few things.

Per the script he went for his gun.  Without hesitation Roxie snatched his hand away and bent it behind him.  The heavy weapon clattered to the ground and luckily didn’t accidentally discharge.

“Ouch you’re hurting me!” he grunted.

“You dare draw a gun on me?” she spat.  “I’m no rich man’s toy I grew up on the streets of Los Angeles and I know how to handle myself.”

Ignoring the scene’s description she hiked his arm up higher making his next line sound more genuine.

Somebody’s got to instruct this moron on the art of acting and it might as well be me.

“Look Mrs. Kingston I’m real sorry but those are my orders,” he said in actual pain.

“Perhaps we can come to an understanding?  Between you, your boss and myself, what do you think?” she queried in a sultry tone.

“Mrs. Kingston are you trying to seduce me?”

I hated that line when I read it the first time and it’s even more idiotic now.  Stealing dialogue from a classic movie makes me want to vomit.

“I said I grew up in a bad neighborhood so I know how business is done.  Let’s say I give up my stupid husband what will happen to me?” she asked over his shoulder.

“Well you’d be broke,” he groaned.

“I’ve been poor before and I don’t intend on going back to that.  Perhaps you could persuade your employer to keep me on here as a hostess.  What do you think?”

“Mr. Alfredo has enough girls to make him happy.  I don’t see why he’d want one more.”

“I’m no girl—surely you can see that.”

“I don’t think I can convince him to let you stay,” he snarled, “especially when you’re so rough with his people.”

She released his arm and kicked the gun into the pool.  It wasn’t in the scene but she thought it made a nice touch.

“He hasn’t met me yet,” she recited.  “I’m no pushover.  I could be a treasured asset to his business dealings.  Besides maybe he ought to move up from girls to a real woman.”

“That’s a tall order,” Vinnie remarked.  “I’d have to have something more than just your word on this.  Perhaps a demonstration of your abilities would be enough to convince me to speak on your behalf.”

Stupid!  What a goddamn stupid line—I told them to change it!  Brainless fuckers I’m going to have to speak to the screenwriter and then we’ll have to shoot this idiotic scene all over again.

Ignoring her mental tirade she slid the satin robe off her shoulders and walked around.  She kept a finger on his right bicep and moved around it like she was using his body as a pivot point.  Leaning into the actor she pushed her breasts into his chest.

“I can be very persuasive,” she growled sensually.  “I’m sure you can see how easily I could worm information out of Mr. Alfredo’s clients.  He could have almost any of their secrets if I entertain them for a few hours.”

The actor swallowed hard.  It wasn’t in the scene but her stellar performance was easily affecting him.  Glancing over his shoulder the rest of the crew was leaning towards them.

Again I’ve outdone myself—they’re like putty in my hands. That’s the mark of a true thespian.

“I could show you… do you think you’re up for it?” she continued.

“Ah—gee I guess I got some time.  Besides it’s for a good cause, right?” he stammered.

“Absolutely Vinnie—keeping me in caviar and champagne has always been my favorite charity.”

Oh well here comes the love scene—I wish we’d have started somewhere else in the script.  Duty calls…

She took a step to the right allowing the camera to zoom in on her right hand.  Slowly she unbuttoned his coat and slid her palm down his chest.  Roxie lingered on his stomach making circles and wrinkling his shirt.  Her co-star’s chest began to heave up and down.  She stared him in the eyes the entire time watching his face contort into a mask of desire.  Turning her hand digits down she eased her fingers into his pants grabbing his already erect cock.

Well what do we have here?  A nice thick shaft—that’s a perk I didn’t expect, she thought past her drugged haze.

“This is a nice hard cock you have here, Vinnie,” she said.  “What have you been feeding it lately?”

“B-blondes mostly,” he groaned in need.

“Blondes are nice—but brunettes are smarter, better and more talented.”

Removing her hand from the front of his pants she undid his belt and slowly pulled down his zipper. Another surprise awaited her.

No undies either…

The thickness of his ten inch member flopped out into her hand.  Its shocking length and wide girth lay like a robust Italian sausage in her palm.  She gripped it tenderly and stroked it a couple of times.

The camera’s probably trained on his face to get his reaction but I’m too much a professional to do it half-assed, Roxie mused inwardly.

His hands landed on her shoulders and gently pushed her down to her knees.  Her vision was filled with the meaty reality of his cock.  She licked her lips in anticipation.

“Please,” he moaned.

She obliged him despite everything.  Kissing the tip she quickly enveloped his shaft in her warm, wet mouth.  Rolling her tongue around his girth she felt the actor’s hips thrust out hesitantly at first.  Warm hands were placed on the sides of her head and soon he was holding her face still while he pumped his meat into her willing mouth.

“Oh god…,” he gasped, “…so good.”

Roxie grinned past the huge mouthful and continued to suck the man’s organ.  The drug in her system encouraging her improvisation and her pussy began to swelter with hot, moist heat rivaling the California weather.  Her knees protested about the roughness of the concrete.  She ignored it.

After a few minutes of devouring his rampant meat-pole she stood up.  The poor actor’s shaft was twitching in frustration from the cessation of her talented mouth.  She pushed away from him and sat down on the edge of the pool chair.  Leaning back, propped up by her elbows Roxie crooked a finger at him.

“Dinner is served,” she cooed hotly.

The man peeled off his clothes, strutting and dancing in some parody of a male review dancer.  She tried not to laugh.

He really sucks as an actor… I hope his tongue is better trained.

Vinnie knelt between her legs and pushed away the hot red material of the bikini exposing her damp, red and hungry cunt.  She felt the first touch of his mouth and moaned loudly.

Okay he does have something to offer the movie! She cheered to herself.

Pulling apart the moist lips of her snatch the greasy haired actor began lapping, licking and tonguing the burning folds of her.  Her body began to quiver.  Roxie’s mouth fell open and her head hung back on her neck.  She let out a low moan when he inserted one of his big fingers into her pussy.

“Ooh baby that’s it,” she husked out.  “Tease my cunt.”

“You’re so good—so tasty and hot,” he replied.

Again that line needs replaced… but right now I could care less.

Her thighs began to shake while Vinnie ate her out.  Another finger joined the first and the walls of her cleft stretched to accept them, a minor sting of pain started but quickly faded.  His mouth attached itself to her hooded button and he mashed his lips against it making Roxie release several hitching sobs of pleasure.    Her ass bounced up and down to the rhythm of his oral delights until her nipples cut into the fabric of the bikini top.  Looking between her deep cleavage she watched him dine out on her cunt.

“Oh yes—you’re so good,” she said ignoring the script.  “I like your fingers so deep in my pussy.”

He mumbled something into her snatch and kept digitally fucking and licking her.  Her body became incredibly hot, aroused and excited.  She bucked her hips upward, driving his face and fingers deeper into her cleft.  She saw the camera swing around to her left to zoom in on the fact he was stroking his big hard cock at the same time.

“Stop,” she groaned.  “I want your huge dick in me.  Fuck me you bastard!”

Where did that line come from? She wondered silently.

Pulling himself up to a standing position Vinnie waited for her to rise from the chair and bend over in front of him and presenting her perfectly shaped ass.  The bottom of the bikini was pulled away and soon her top landed on the ground in front of her.  The huge swell of her breasts spilled out and she took one in each hand.  Splaying her legs as far as they would go she moaned out in desperate need.  Between the cocaine and the man’s thick cock she found herself hornier than she’d ever been in her life.

“Oh… fuck!” she groaned when he pushed into her moist depths.

The organ being stuffed into her pussy was almost too big.  She struggled to stay upright and still accept the meaty intruder snaking into her slit.  His hands came around and pushed hers away.  He mashed her nipples.  Alternating between tugs and pinches she hissed out in painful pleasure while he tortured her erect buds.  The withdrawing of his shaft made her shudder.  Then he started to seriously fuck her with it.

“Oh!  Ah!  My… God!” she grunted with each penetration.

“Do you like it?  Tell me how it feels Mrs. Kingston?” he snarled.

“I-it’s so big!  Oh fuck yeah it’s filling me up… so deep… so hot… oh Vinnie I want it all!” she recited from the script.

The slap of his hips against her ass made Roxie’s hazy brain’s synapses fire off in delightful randomness.  She pushed back against him just to drive him all the way into her hungry snatch.

Fuck this bastard is going to rip me open…but I don’t care!  I have to take it, it’s all for Art!

Just as she had a handle on things he pulled completely out of her.  Rudely he pushed her face first into chair and hauled her on her back by yanking up and over with a grip on one of her legs.  Her skin was sore from the harshness of the chair’s material.  Before she could protest his treatment of her Vinnie spread her legs wide open and pushed them near her ears.

“No wait a minute!” she wailed

“Shut up bitch and take it,” he growled.

This isn’t in the script!  That fucker!

She was pinned to the chair and watched in horror as the vein-covered snake-trouser was aimed at her defenseless pussy.  Roxie tried to wiggle away but was soon pinned down by his body weight and the meaty spike driven into her snatch.

“You fucker!” she hissed in his ear.  “Stick to the script you’re hurting me.”

“Sorry, no can do.  You think you’re some big Hollywood star, don’t you,” the actor said angrily.  “Well welcome to the porn industry Miss High and Mighty Darling.”

“This is a soft-core shoot!  Nobody said anything about it being hardcore the scene isn’t going to be shown in its entirety.  The dirty parts are going to be cut out!”

“You idiot didn’t you read the fine print?  It’s all going in the picture.  That’s why I’m taking such pleasure in making you scream and beg.”

“You son of a bitch I’ll have you fired for this.”

“I doubt it… I’m the director’s son.”

Roxie felt her face widen in surprise.  However she didn’t have time to think about it as the big, thick shaft sank to the hilt in her stretched out cunt.  She cried out.

This is a bad angle!  He’s hurting me!

“Yeah take it you slut,” he shouted.  “Take all my cock!”

“Ah!  W-wait!  It’s too much,” she sobbed (this line wasn’t in the script).

Her soft cavity was wet but it wasn’t enough to ease the pressure of being so completely stuffed with man-meat.  She beat his back with her hands and eventually dug long bloody furrows in his flesh.

I have to get him out of me or it’s going to ruin my poor pussy!

But she couldn’t move.  His weight was too much and she found she didn’t have any leverage to shove him away.  With tear-filled eyes she accepted her fate for the moment.  But behind that worried, excited expression her temper rose to greater heights.

“Oh yeah…I’m gonna come,” he groaned.  “Are you ready for it?”

“Yes, oh yes please,” she said.

Her line was straight out of the scene but she said it because she was hoping for the end of this part to come.  Vinnie continued to jackhammer his big cock into her burning slit while she tried relentlessly to make the actor finish quicker.  With a thin cry he yanked out his massive meat and Roxie let out a sob of joy.  Then the first hot, thick splatter of semen struck her between the eyes and began dripping down her nose.

“Ah!” she shouted in surprise.

The next glob hit her right cheek as he adjusted his aim.  Her mouth was dangling wide open, not because it was scripted but out of pure shock.

He came in my face!  That miserable motherfucker, how dare he? Roxie squealed to herself.

Three more shots spewed out and landed onto her tongue and greasily slid towards the back of her throat.  She clamped her lips down and received the remaining spray of man-seed onto her pouting, trembling lips.  The salty-sweet taste seemed as false as her Hollywood fame.

“Like that don’t you,” he sneered.

“Yes,” she said in barely masked broken voice.

“You like the taste of my cum, don’t you whore?”

“Please… more.”

I-I can’t believe I said that line!  Oh god what have I gotten myself into?

Picking her bodily up in his brawny arms Vinnie carried her to the pool’s edge.  Without a word he flung her overtop of the cold water where she felt she hung there for an eternity.  Like the sudden realization of what happened to her career she hit the surface and sank past it.  Fighting her way upwards she swam to the edge of the pool and looked at Vinnie with a hurt expression.  She wiped the semen off her face which hadn’t washed off from her impromptu bath.

“I’ll tell Mr. Alfredo about your offer,” he chuckled.  “I think you’ll pass his audition just like you passed mine.  You see we caught your husband yesterday and now he’s sleeping with the fishes.”

“You k-killed him,” she replied.

“Yeah it took a while but he finally died when we tossed him in the bay.  He told us how great you were in bed so I was sent here to see if it was true.  Your hubby gave us the idea you’d tried to keep from going back to the streets where he found you.  Congratulations you passed the test.”

“You played me!”

“You can expect Mr. Alfredo this evening…he likes black leather skirts, crotchless panties and tall boots so I’d go out and buy some.  By the way if you’re thinking about making a run for it after emptying your bank account you can forget it.  One of my associates is going to be staying with you.  You see I’m no errand boy but a Capo in Mr. Alfredo’s organization.”


“Yes it’s true baby,” he leered.  “And by the way I’ll be staying here permanently so you better get used to treating me with respect.  You’re my reward for catching your husband, you see.  Mr. Alfredo gave me the house, the cars and the whore who lives here.  I just wanted to make sure you were worth it.  Do you want to stay and service me anytime I want?”

“I will,” she meekly stated.

“You will…what?”

“I will Mr. Barossa.”

“Good you learn quickly.  I’ll be back tomorrow and you better be ready for me because I’ve got a big appetite and you’re the main course, doll.”

He started to walk away and she could feel the camera’s lens zooming in on her face for a close up.  Despite the rioting turmoil in her brain she still managed to enact a conspirator’s smile.

“You go right ahead Vinnie and think you’re in charge,” she recited her dialogue, “but I’ll make you sorry you treated me like this.”

“And…cut!” the director shouted.  “That was great but I’d like another take just to get some different angles.  Get Roxie into her trailer, dry her off and redo her makeup.  Come on people, shake a leg we don’t have all day.”

The gaffer’s assistant came over and helped her climb out of the pool.  He ogled her naked body and Roxie suddenly felt dirty and violated.  She staggered into the held out white towel and in horror noticed it was being held by the now smirking redhead who did her makeup.

“Come Miss Star we have to get you fixed up for the second take,” she said mockingly.

Oh this is too much…I never thought it’d come to this!  They’ve thrown the entire script out I’ve been given.  I’m supposed to be the heroine in this—not some mob slut to be used and abused.  They’ve fooled me and I can’t say shit about it since I’m under contract.  Oh fuck it’s a four picture deal!

Hot tears sprang up in Roxie’s eyes and she meekly followed the makeup artist back to her trailer.  Behind her were the shattered remains of both her career and dignity.

Carnival Night

AUTHOR’S NOTE; The following is a work of fiction and shouldn’t be viewed by people under the age of eighteen.  If you are underage PLEASE LEAVE NOW!  I wondered what other kinds of jobs would be impacted by the zombie plague from my book Uprising and this came to mind.  Enjoy!

Carnival Night

It was Fat Tuesday in Youngstown, Ohio and the Circus of Flesh gentleman’s club was packed with the usual crowd but intermingled with other party-goers.  Bob McCall smiled at the heavy thump of the music, the flashing of the lights and the sway of naked skin was barely contained within its walls.  Men and women lined the penis-shaped stage, sat around the circular tables or stood against the walls hooting and hollering at the action.  Other dancers went around to the various patrons administering lap dances for those who would pay the price.  On stage one of his dancers, Pearl Fire swirled, strutted and thrust her body at the audience.  She had her body painted in red and black makeup like a harlequin.  Pearl’s long red hair was capped by a hat with three bells dangling down.  She wore silver pasties and thong.  The stripper’s garter was totally hidden by the fluttering bills stuffed into it.  He chuckled at thought of all the money his place was going to make tonight.

Bob sat at the bar and smiled at the woman behind it.

“Great show, huh?” Bob shouted over the din.

“I thought this idea was stupid,” Tina replied, “I guess I was wrong.”

“I have my moments.”

“By the way we’re running low on bourbon.”

“I got it covered.”

Pushing his way through the lusty crowd he moved to the back.  He nodded at Bill the bouncer who opened the door so he could descend into the basement to bring up a case of cheap bourbon.

I knew this would work, he thought.  People need a little excitement and distraction since the zombie plague struck.  Thankfully it’s contained now and things are returning back to normal.  I have the feeling 2019 is going to be a very good year for everyone.

The idea of the themed night came to him after seeing a report on how Mardi Gras was making a comeback all over the country.  The newscast showed folks all over the United States preparing in giddy anticipation for the event.  He knew people just wanted an excuse to let their hair down and have some fun.  It had been a long three years since the Outbreak of 2015.  The business and pressures of survival had held back any sort of celebration of life.

Now the Reanimated Working Class are doing the manual labor, people are making good money and they just want some fun, he smiled inwardly.  Who knew zombies could be domesticated?  Hell if I make enough I can buy one or two to clean up after the club closes.

Picking up a cardboard case of amber filled bottles he trudged back up the stairs.  Bill opened the door after he struggled to try to open it.  The ongoing party hit him like the heat from a blast furnace-like.  Elbowing his way to the bar he set the case down on it with a thump.

“Here ya go Tina,” he yelled.

“Thanks Bob,” she replied.  “Hey look Daisy Dazzle is taking the stage.”

He didn’t have to look because the howling laughter filling the place informed him without costing him time to turn his head.  Mixed in with mirth were a few gasp of fear.  Bob recalled the conversation between him and Daisy before the joint opened.

“I’m going to dress like a clown,” she had told him.

“Daisy,” he retorted, “some people are afraid of clowns.  Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Clowns are funny, not scary.”

“Go ahead but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

The techno beat of Addicted Radio by Serge Devant sizzled out of the speakers and Bob turned to watch the woman’s set.  Daisy was wearing a one-piece white clown’s outfit with multi-colored polka-dots, a blue wig with a bald spot, a red nose and pancake makeup on her face.  The big blue circles on her cheeks and the large red outline around her pert lips made her look ridiculous, not sexy.

“Still most of the clients seem to like it,” he mused beneath the noise.

She kicked off her long red shoes revealing a hidden set of stripper boots of the same shade.  The soles of her footwear were thick and the heels were tall spikes. The patrons when crazy and she began to strut around the stage provocatively tugging at the zipper on the front of the garish outfit.  Her fingers paused at her crotch and she thrust out her hips and threw her head back.  Daisy bent over and dangled her lush breasts out of the costume’s opening to the audience creating a bizarre surge of lusty cat-calls.  With a flourish she dropped the outfit to around her waist.  Her pasties were black and her tits painted white with a wide smile painted just below them.  Her body looked like a huge clown’s face.  She wiggled her bosom making it appear the face was rolling its eyes.  The clients went berserk with laughter and lust.

“People are so weird,” Bob laughed at the carnal response.

Daisy bent over the discarded off the outfit and tossed it over her shoulder.  Spinning in place she displayed the hot red thong that crept between her ass-cheeks and swung a pair of rubber chickens in wild circles above her head.  She flung them out into the crowd, grabbed the brass pole and spun around several times holding on by just her taut thighs and hands.  She released her grasp on the pole and fell into a split on the stage.  The crowd stared in awe when she hopped up, pushed her ass against the post and swung her upper body in big circles.  The twirling of her auburn hair and the jiggle of her ample breasts revved the engine of the patrons heightening the club’s already carnal atmosphere.

“The girl’s got talent,” he said.  “Her taste in costumes might suck but she can really swing it.”

Kicking off the ground she hung upside down by her legs on the pole and acrobatically swirled around it with her outstretched hands nearly touching the floor.  She started to spin towards the ground when something went wrong.  Bob watched in horror as she lost her grip and slid headfirst into the metal base of the stripper pole.  Her body telescoped into itself and eventually flopped heels over head with a dull thud.  The audience’s cheers died eerily.

“Holy shit!” Tina exclaimed, shattering the silence.

Bob began pushing towards the dance floor.  He was halfway to his goal when Daisy staggered to her feet facing the brass object she had fallen from.

Oh thank god, he breathed to himself in relief, she didn’t hurt herself too badly and probably just knocked her self silly.

The exotic dancer hugged the post, her body swaying slightly.  Her head rotated several times as if she was loosening up a kink in it.  Then she stumbled around to face her quiet, staring fans.

Oh shit!

Her neck bulged grotesquely and even in the flashing lights he could see the bones jabbing into the front of her throat.  Blood oozed out between her red lips in a darker crimson flow.  It dripped onto her breasts making it appear the clown’s eyes were crying bloody tears.  The music still went on and the shouts of the mob arose once more.  But instead of lusty cheers they were shrieks of horror.

Daisy the Zombie took a few halting steps on her ridiculously tall heels and fell forward onto a pale-faced male client.  It a morbid flash of dark humor Bob realized the ghoul wouldn’t be able to walk in those boots.  He  backpedaled in fear to retrieve his pistol behind the bar but saw the bright spraying mist of blood erupt from the patron’s throat.  Before he could witness more he was bowled over by the sudden stampede of clients and strippers running from their lives.  Bob was trampled off the club’s floor.  A shoe mashed his nose flat on his left cheek and he tasted the iron flavor of blood in his mouth.  His ribs were repeatedly kicked and his limbs stepped on and suffered several blows to his groin.  As quickly as it began it was over.  Spitting blood and cradling his gonads Bob pulled his knees up tight against his stomach and he struggled for breath.  He heard something hit the ground in front of him.

“D-Daisy?” he mumbled past smashed lips.

The ghoul’s face was awash with gore and bits of flesh dangled out of her mouth.  Still chewing her grotesque meal she advanced on hands and knees towards him.  In horror he noted her blue wig was dripping with blood and she was reaching for him.  Kicking his feet out he tried to push himself away ignoring his various agonies.

“Daisy don’t do this to me!” he wailed.

“Unngh,” she groaned hungrily.

Her cooling hands latched onto his left leg and he screamed like a frightened schoolgirl.  He lashed out with his other foot and it struck her nose making the clown’s nose emit a honking sound.  She climbed his body, her teeth gnashing in a horrible clicking sound.

“No! No!” he bellowed.


The roar of a gun and the smell of cordite filled Bob’s nostrils and Daisy’s head exploded in a wet splattering rain of blood, bone and brains.  The weapon went off two more times and another body crashed upon the undead stripper.

It’s the g-guy she bit! He stammered to himself.

Bob pulled himself from under the garishly painted zombie and looked over his shoulder to see Bill clutching a smoking black pistol.  His face was grim.

“Thanks,” he told the man.

“No problem,” the bouncer replied.

“I guess we need to clean up and see if we can coax our patrons back.”

Bill helped him to his feet and Tina handed him a bar rag to staunch the scarlet flow from his broken nose.  He heard the sounds of sirens outside.

“The LURCH team is on its way,” he mumbled.

“Better late than never,” Tina sighed. “Anyone want a drink?”

“If you offer to make me a zombie I’m going to fire you.”

They laughed in a nervous manner as the uniformed members of the capture-handling team burst into the club to survey the carnage.

Maybe they’ll stay and spend some money if I can get another dancer out onto the stage, he thought with a grin.

The Perfect Man

AUTHOR’S NOTE;  The following tale contains adult language and sexual situations if you are below the age of eighteen LEAVE NOW.  This is just a little yarn I wrote for the heck of it.  Enjoy!

The Perfect Man

            Marie Duvall sat at the bar with her back to the jukebox, dancing couples and tables full of laughing people.  She looked into the mirror behind the bar and saw an unhappy and lonely woman with so much potential.  Sipping demurely at her Bloody Mary she sighed for what felt like the six thousandth time. 

            Why am I here punishing myself?  Coming here on a Saturday night just so I can see and hear all the lovers around me making my loneliness feel more acute, she thought at her reflection.

            Keeping her gaze locked on the familiar face across the bar she frowned at the image.  Her mousey brown hair, slightly curled in her opinion fell down upon her features like ragged curtains in an abandoned house.  She noted the slump of her shoulders, the inadequate bust and her chubby arms.  Her gold, dangling earrings matched the simple chain around her neck.  A neck she stared at everyday in the mirror of her bathroom for fear of a second chin growing beneath the first.

            Well thankfully I can’t see my hips and the rest of me. 

            She was wearing a black dress with small, delicate straps which ran over her shoulders and connected the front to the back in a very titillating manner.  Her legs were crossed, lady-like and her two inch high heels were as black as her depression. 

            Why would any man want me?  I’m thirty pounds overweight and I have no self-esteem.  Maybe I should just become a nun like mother always suggested, she grumbled inwardly.

            But she knew why.  The sight of a man would fill her soul with anticipation, heart-thundering excitement and quickened breath.  The idea of being a cloistered female part of the clergy would just never do. 

            So here I am again hoping some man will take pity on me.

            In her mind she recalled her luck from last weekend.  This brightened her up a bit and for a moment she positively glowed from the memory.  Quentin had been charming and polite.  For a few hours it appeared she had successfully captured the attention of a member of the male species.

            And then his ex-girlfriend came along and spoiled everything, she groused.

            Her reflection in the cloudy glass struck up a mocking pout, the same one she felt tugging at her lips.  Swirling the celery stalk in her drink she sighed one more time.

            “Excuse me?” a man’s voice sounded over her shoulder.

            She turned around to see a tall and handsome chap who was dressed quite properly even down to wearing white gloves.  His thin mustache and slicked back hair was reminiscent of another day and age.  But it was his accent which spoke volumes about his origins. 

            “Yes,” she responded.

            “I say is anyone sitting here?”

            “Ah, no.”

            “Might I join you?”

            “That would be wonderful.”

            He sat down, not in a hurried manner or even indicating any sense of the word nervous.  The bartender came over and he ordered a gin and tonic.  He began tugging off his gloves.

            “My name is Wilbur Marshall III and I’m pleased to meet you,” he said in his deep voice.

            “My name is Marie, Marie Duvall,” she replied.

            “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Duvall.”

            He held up his hand, palm towards the ceiling.  She placed her hand into his and he kissed her knuckles in a dainty, chaste manner.

            “Ah but the pleasure is all mine,” he rumbled.  “What brings you to such an establishment?”

            “Oh I don’t know—bored I guess,” she tittered, her nerves getting the better of her.

            “A beauty such as you couldn’t possibly be in such a state of mind.”

            “I assure you I’m quite bored.”

            Wilbur’s drink arrived and he sipped at it then paid the bartender.  She noted the order in which he did so, thus making sure the drink was made to his palette.  Her opinion, still forming on Wilbur soared a bit higher.

            “Where are you from if I may be so bold?” he inquired.

            “I live here in the city,” she remarked.

            “Myself I have only recently arrived in New York and I am still getting used to my surroundings.”

            “Where are you from originally?”

            “London, London England.”

            “I thought your accent was familiar.”

            “I left London mostly due to the ghastly problems they’ve been having.”

            “Really which problems are those?”

            “You haven’t heard?  Well my dear I’m afraid there is some sort of serial killer stalking the London streets.  Surely you watch the news?”

            “A bit but I wasn’t aware of a serial killer in England.”

            “It’s the talk of the town, I dare say.  One can’t go anywhere without it being discussed in the most horrendous details.”

            “Oh I’m sorry to hear that.”

            “It is of no moment, I thought it best to go on holiday just for a short time, mind you.  Broaden my horizons as it were.”
            The look on his face made her blush.  The hot flush of her neck and cheeks made her turn away a bit for his expression was brazenly intimate, almost an open invitation.  Waving her hand in front of her face Marie tried to dampen down her reaction.

            “Have I said something?” he queried.

            “No I just have no head for alcohol,” she fibbed.

            “Perhaps a nice stroll in the cool night air would clear your lovely head.”

            “With a total stranger do you think I’m mad?”

            “I am sorry it was just a thought.  Forgive me if I’ve made an improper advance. I was only trying to be helpful.”

            Am I really going to pass this up?  This is the first time anyone this handsome and debonair has approached me.

            “Well okay,” she said, “I have my cell phone and mace so I should be safe.”

            “I will be the perfect gentleman; you have my word on it,” he stated with a smile.


            The streets were dark and the moon was full.  Arm in arm with Wilbur, Marie couldn’t believe her luck on this night.  Even after strolling through several dim alleyways where nobody would’ve heard or cared if she was going to be attacked she emerged safely.  This didn’t clinch her belief she wasn’t in any danger, but it did speak to Wilbur’s character.

            “My apartment is only a block away,” she suggested, “would you like a cup of tea?”

            “You are inviting me in?” he said a bit shocked.

            “Of course, I am a modern woman after all.  It’s just for tea, cookies and conversation I’m not implying anything remotely naughty.”

            “Oh I see.  My mistake, I would be only too happy to agree then.”

            Smiling she looped her arm into his and guided him to her small flat, a tingling heat of arousal tickling just beneath her breastbone.


            He was sitting in her small living room and it was so astounding and unusual she had to keep looking in his direction.  Her brain expected all of this to be nothing more than an alcohol-induced fantasy.  But there he was, politely making conversation.  Marie couldn’t stop staring at his handsome face, thrilling to his accent or sampling the faint aroma of his masculine cologne. 

            A real live man in my apartment, she thought giddily.  What will the neighbors say?  Well they don’t know since we came up the back way instead of the front door.  But it was the quickest route here.

            “…so I told myself, Wilbur it’s high time for a holiday.  With all this nasty business going about you could use change of scenery, breath in some new air,” he continued to expound.

            “I am glad you came to the States, not to mention into the bar tonight,” she said.

            “Do you live here alone?”


            “I didn’t see any of your flat-mates when we came in either.  Are they the type to go early to bed?”

            “Oh yes.  Most of the residents here are elderly and impaired.  I can turn my stereo up full blast and they don’t hear a thing.”

            “How interesting.  You could have quite a wild party and they would be totally ignorant of the fact?  I must say I’m surprised you aren’t the toast of the town in this respect.”

            “How so?”

            “Well along with being quite ravishing to the eyes your neighbors are blissfully unaware should you decide to indulge in anything you choose.”

            Marie blushed at this.

            “I am making you turn red again, I do apologize,” he drawled.

            “If I didn’t know better Wilbur I would take you comments as being quite suggestive,” she giggled.

            “Well one only lives for so long.  To pass up an opportunity with one as lovely as yourself is quite foolish.  I say often to my friends one must seize the moment!”

            “Would you like another cookie?”

            “Why that would be splendid.”

            “Well don’t you move a muscle, I’ll be right back.”

            Oh my, his words are suggesting we might be intimate and get loud in bed.  I can’t believe my luck.  A foreign and a charming gentleman, here in my apartment, one at that who wants me for more than just conversation.

            She gathered another plate of sugar cookies and walked back into the living room.  Her heart was humming a happy tune and other places on her body were gearing up with preparations of their own.  She set the plate on the coffee table and looked up.

            Wilbur was not on the couch.

            What the…? Marie began to think.

            As she straightened up a belt flashed over her head and wrapped itself across her throat.  Immediately her oxygen supply was cut off and her hands flew up to the constricting leather strip.

            “I’m so sorry little one for the deception,” Wilbur’s voice whispered in her ear, “however it if is any consolation you aren’t the first bird I’ve fooled with my dashing smile and sophisticated airs.”

            “W-what,” she managed to gurgle.

            “Oh and that killer on the streets of London, well it happens to be me.  I felt the heat coming down upon me so I fled before the Bobbies could pinch me.  Now don’t struggle love, it’ll be over faster if you don’t fight me.”

            Panic filled Marie’s mind as she tried to dislodge the belt.  Wild images of being murdered in her own flat filled her with a desperate strength.  Raising her left foot she brought her spiked heel down on his instep, just like they taught her in self-defense class at the YWCA.  The crunching snap of cartilage and bone was transmitted up her own leg happily echoing in her mind with its satisfaction.  The leather strap loosened momentarily and she twisted around driving a knee into his groin.  The squashing sensation empowered her with even more much needed strength.  She watched his features contort in agony and his pallor turn to bright red.  A second hike of her knee knocked the ability to stand out of her attacker.  Wilbur collapsed.

            “That hurts doesn’t it?” she laughed.

            Wilbur couldn’t answer she witnessed his inability to draw a breath.  Swinging back her leg she grinned merrily while she aimed for his temple.


            Marie kept her eyes on Wilbur and saw the murderer’s eyes flutter open.  With a giggle she enjoyed the panic on his face as he looked around.  She walked around the varnished kitchen table pleased with her handiwork.  The man struggled and made the heavy table dance on the linoleum but with his wrists and ankles securely fixed to the legs.  His back bowed by the block of wood under him he couldn’t get enough leverage.  In short he quickly discovered he was at her mercy.

            “Well now that you’re awake we can begin,” she said, a tremble of excitement in her voice.

            “What’s going on?” he demanded. “Why are you wearing that surgical mask and clear plastic raincoat?  W-why am I naked?!”

            “Poor Wilbur, you didn’t have the sense to recognize one of your own kind?  I’m shocked at you not being able to sense another predator.  I’ve been hunting at that bar for years and I’m pleased to say your death will make it a nice even two dozen.”

            “You can’t be serious love, that’s ten more than I have!”

            “Oh yes I am.  Did you think I chose to live where my neighbors are practically deaf for no reason?  I chose my residence with much care.”

            “W-what are you going to do?”

            “Well I’m not as neat and tidy as you English killers.  I enjoy getting my hands quite bloody in fact it arouses me to no small degree.”

            His face turned white with terror.  She increased his agony by touching herself rudely and moaning theatrically.  Wilbur’s eyes frantically sought an escape.

            “As for my plans for this evening, well let’s just keep this between us.  First I’m going to cut out your tongue and then I’m going to sew your lips shut.  I’ll probably gouge out your eyes next and seal them as well.  Only after all of that will I start on the really meaty parts of your body,” she stated in a low, ominous voice.

            “Bloody hell!” he exclaimed.

            “Any last words before I take away your ability to speak?”

            “W-we could be a team!  Think about it love, we could hunt together and guard each other’s backs…even take turns!”

            She tapped her butcher knife against her full lips while she pondered his interesting offer.  The idea had some merit.  Pacing around her victim she mused whether or not it could be done for she only heard about a handful of serial killers who worked in pairs.

            The disposal of the bodies would be easier not to mention the cleanup afterwards.  It’s such a pain in the ass to do all that carving, bagging and carrying only to come home to a very messy kitchen, Marie thought.

            “How do I know you’ll not turn on me as soon as I release you?” she inquired.

            “You don’t but I’ll swear to anything if you just let me loose,” he tittered.

            Well we could write letters claiming responsibilities for our actions and then put them in security vaults at the bank.  This way if he betrays me I could have mine opened via my will and it’ll expose his crimes. 

            She quickly outlined this plan to Wilbur.

            “Yes, yes that’s perfect,” he agreed.

            Taking the bright, shiny knife she cut him loose and regarded him coldly as he stood up.  Her new partner in crime rubbed the blood back into his feet with what she knew had to be equally numb hands.

            “I knew there was something about you I liked,” she smiled.

            “I must admit the same thing about you,” he grinned.

            “I say we seal the deal.”


            “Well you’ve deprived me of my sport tonight so you’ll have to make it up to me.”

            Her depraved grin spread across her face and she could see Wilbur come to what she meant rather quickly.

            “I’ll be your slave,” he growled seductively.  “Where should we begin?”

            She twirled the tip of the knife into her palm taking care not to cut herself.  Cocking her head to one side she watched her partner lick his lips in eager anticipation.  The thought of what they could accomplish together made her hotter than anything before.

            I can’t believe it, she laughed to herself, and I’ve found the perfect man for me.

Wash Day

AUTHOR’S NOTE:  The following is part 9 of my taking a strange picture off the Internet and writing a story about it.  See the below image for the full effect.

Wash Day

            Katie Watts looked out the window.  The sky was clear and bright with just a few fluffy white clouds slowly crossing overhead.  The phone rang suddenly startling her from staring out the window and enjoying the beautiful view.  Reaching over she picked up the ringing device and noted the caller ID.

            “Hello Debbie,” she said into it, “How are you today?”

            “Just great!” the perky brunette chirped.  “Did you see what it’s like outside?  It’s a gorgeous day out!”

            “Yes it is.”

            “Well I’m calling because Susan and I are doing laundry and wondered if you wanted to take advantage of the sunshine.”

            “I do have some sheets to hang out, what’s the air index say?”

            “It’s less than twelve per cent, well under the safety level.”

            “I see you and Susie in a few then,” Katie smiled.

            “Don’t forget your mask!”

            Hanging up the phone she grinned at her friend. 

            I knew Debbie would call before I could check the air index on the computer.  I swear she spends most of her time on the Internet.

            With a skip in her step Katie went downstairs and gathered up the sheets in the washer.  Dumping them into a blue basket she donned her gas mask and headed out the back door.  She laughed; it was a hollow echoing sound within the confines of the breathing device.  Striding through the backyard she looked to her right to see if Susie and Debbie had come out yet.

            “Hey Katie!” a familiar but muffled voice called out.

            It was Susie wearing a white sun dress her blonde hair in a ponytail hanging out of the gas mask she wore.  Right next to her was Debbie, a brunette like Katie in similar attire except for the pink floral pattern.

            “Beautiful day, eh girls?” she bantered back.

            “The sun feels great on my legs and arms,” the brunette smiled.  “It’s been too long since it’s been this nice.”

            “Tell me about it,” the blonde griped.  “I feel like I’ve been cooped up in the house for ages.”

            “So, how are Steve and the kids?” she asked Debbie.

            “We’re all fine, how about you and Richard?”

            “Couldn’t be better.”

            “Hey did Richard tell you about the accident at work?” Susie inquired.

            “Yeah he did,” she answered, “but he said it was no big deal.”

            “That’s the same line I got from Bob.”

            “Well girls lets get these things hung up so we can do some real gossiping!” Katie snickered.


            They had been sitting on the grass enjoying the feel of the soft blades.  Susie was telling them about how her and Bob had gone out to see a movie just the other day.  Katie was feeling jealous since it had been months since she and Richard had done something like that. 

            It really isn’t his fault; he works such long hours at the plant I really shouldn’t complain. She thought to herself.

            “We had a wonderful romantic dinner at Carlos’ and then we came home and…well you know,” Susie finished.  “All in all it was really nice.”

            “Dave and I are going out tomorrow, weather permitting,” Debbie chimed in.

            “Well if the index is up you can always take the tube into town,” Katie suggested.

            “Um… Dave doesn’t like the tube, he’s claustrophobic.”


            “Well he should try anyways for goodness’ sake how often do you two have the chance to get away from the kids?” the blonde retorted.

            “Now wait one minute!” Debbie said, her voice rising.

            “Ladies let’s not fight,” Katie stated.  “We get so little time face to face let’s enjoy it.  If Dave gets nervous because of small places then it’s a wife’s duty to make sure he’s not uncomfortable.”

            “Yeah you’ve got a point there,” Susie agreed.  “So have you and Richard tried, you know?”

            “We’ve gone to see a specialist a month ago but so far no luck.  I’m beginning to think there’s something wrong with me.  His tests came out just fine, so it must be my fault.”

            “You don’t think he’ll… well… I mean to say…,” Susie stammered.

            “H-he hasn’t said anything about it,” she replied. “We’ve only been married a year.”

            The three of them went quiet, it wasn’t a pleasant conversation anymore and each one feared at one point or another exactly what Katie was going through.  Children were the future, they all knew that.  With the population the way it was, reducing birthrates and the air conditions it was becoming an increasingly important topic. 

            “Well if you ask me if the darn fanatics over in the Middle East hadn’t started this whole mess none of us would be worrying,” Debbie grumbled.  “Another war over my god is better than your god—how stupid.”

            “That’s the problem with humans, I suppose,” Susie countered.  “They don’t think logically until its way too late.  Then they have to find alternate methods and invent new technology to live with the after-effects of their hasty decisions.”

            “Hey, what time is it?” the other brunette asked.

            Katie looked at her watch, it was two-thirty and she hadn’t gotten dinner started.  Standing up she brushed off her blue sun dress and began to quietly take down the laundry.

            “Two-thirty,” she told the girls.

            “It’s it that late already?” the golden haired woman sighed.

            “Yes, my kids will be home soon,” the other brunette stated without thinking.

            I know it’s not within me to worry about being replaced but still I’ve been so happy with Richard I’d hate to see it come to an end. 

            She folded the sheets and put them lovingly into the basket. 

            “Don’t worry honey,” Debbie whispered.  “They’ll just adjust you and I’m sure everything will be alright.”

            “I really don’t want to go back to the factory—that place gives me the creeps,” she moaned softly. 

            “We were made to serve men, after the biological attack killed off all the human women it was only natural that we would be created to take their place.  I just wish they’d manufacture a better filter system so we don’t have to watch the pollen index so closely.”

            Maybe that’s the problem, she contemplated, her circuits firing in logical order, I did go out accidentally when Richard started down the driveway without his briefcase.  Wouldn’t it be ironic if in being a good housewife I damaged my internal incubator?

            Waving goodbye to her synthetic comrades Katie trudged back to the house trying to ignore the fact she might have to return to the factory to get repaired, or worse be scrapped.  Despite being a perfect wife, a talented lover and a great conversationalist the place she was manufactured was still staffed by humans.  Humans made mistakes, just like the ones who had designed the biological weapon who ruined the gentler sex she was designed to replace.

The Thoughts of a Sentry

AUTHOR’S NOTE:  I thought I’d put up an early work of mine in the sword-and-sorcery genre.

The Thoughts of a Sentry

             Guard duty.  I hate guard duty but I have little choice since I was commanded to be here.  I really don’t mind standing watch over the treasure vault’s only door.  I’d prefer it to have a bit more light and a nice fire would be appreciated.  Lately all I’ve felt is cold, a bone chilling feeling from being down here in this frigid place.  The chill seems to stay with me all the time, I can’t remember the last time I felt warm. 

            The alcove I have to stand in is mirrored by another across the room.  I just barely see the other sentry there quietly absorbed in his duty.  What a stubborn bastard this guy is!  He refuses to talk just to pass away the time.  I don’t even know the son-of-a-bitch’s name!  It’s not like we’re watching the front gates to the city, our jobs are so boring and uneventful I can’t see why he should take it so seriously.  But there he stands like a damn statue holding his longsword in one hand and his plain steel buckler in his other.  I can see the gleam of his chain mail from the flickering light of the torches in the nearby sconces.  An unadorned helm covers his head with the goggle-like face plate obscuring his features.  A long horsehair plume hangs over the right side of his helm easily touching his shoulder.  He is ready for anything, like there’s been any action for us.  Not even a hint of one.  The last assault on Lord Baguta’s prizes was reportedly took place three centuries ago. 

            Flicking my gaze to the only entrance to this antechamber I spy the only way into the room.  The entranceway stands wide open and door-less.  I can see the light of the other torches that march their way down the long corridor that leading to our position.  There is a dripping sound of water as it leaks from the ceiling stones and puddles in the corner just to my right.  The liquid dribbling is the only other sound I hear since we are so far below the ground.  While I being prepard for sentry duty someone told me the treasure trove of Lord Baguta’s mansion had been delved almost a quarter mile beneath Iberia’s surface.  It’s the depth that worries me as well  Even though I know that the dwarves and the rest of the dirt-dwelling creatures live farther down than this  I’m a bit nervous since I’ve never been this deep underground before.  Having never met the a dwarf or even a lone deep-elf I wonder how they stand it.  I’ve heard their tales about living underground.  Even in the last smoky tavern I visite a bard sang some of their epic poems.  Bright and shiny were those ditties filling me with wonder and awe but that’s something I’ll ever experience in my current occupation as a guard. 

            The floor, ceiling, and walls of this room are made up of tightly packed gray field stone of a very unremarkable quality.  This is a bit odd since my employer is a very rich man with very expensive tastes.   I’m not sure what he does exactly but I only care about the color of his gold it doesn’t matter.  Speaking of of the shiny metal the only fancy work that was done here is the solid gold door that is carved with arcane symbols and warnings about disturbing the vault’s contents.  The sconces which hold the torches, the only other features worth mentioning are black iron-wrought and very sturdy looking affairs.  They burn in flickering sputters giving giving off a bad smell and throw off a pale, sickly and yellow light.  The illumination, although poor, is more than enough as my eyes since they have become accustomed to the darkness.  Since I started here I have had ample opportunity to fine tune my other senses.  Take my hearing for example.  It has gotten quite keen after the first few months of standing down here.  I can now ascertain the difference between the tread of the feet, how many are approaching and if they belong to those coming down here legally.  However the occasional odd servants who are ordered down to our position still confuse me.  It is impossible to tell them from a stranger’s footfalls.  If it wasn’t for the password they titter just before entering they would be cut down by me and my companion before they could defend themselves.  There are other noises I detect since my hearing improved.  Besides the water dripping to my right I can hear the scuttling and scurrying of rats who live, prowl and die down in these tunnels.  The rodents spend all their lives scrambling for the odd bit of food or lapping at the brackish water.

            Wait, there seems to be someone approaching!  Listening I clearly hear the tread of more than one person striding down the long hallway towards the antechamber.  Oh these are bold steps, the person making them is not even attempting to be subtle.  A figure draws neare and no password is uttered.  Drawing my sword I look over to see my fellow guard shift in his stance as he prepares for the fray.  Yes, I can tell that they are intruders since they are using additional torches to light the path ahead of them.  None of my employer’s other servants do this.   In fact, it is expressly forbidden to do so since my benefactor is a frugal man and wishes to not waste good gold.  I tilt my head and try to loosen up my stiff neck that has only just begun to ache.  Standing in the cold dark with a heavy helmet on is bound to give anyone such pains.  I twist my head again I cannot let this hinder me now. 

            I see the intruders clearly now!  They are standing just beyond the threshold of the antechamber, only a few meager feet from actually entering.  They are talking in low tones and muttering about any traps that might be on the treasure vault’s door.  They begin to enter.  There is a smaller one leading their group, obviously a sneak-thief or someone trained in the art of breaking-and-entering.  Behind him is a duo of large warriors and a slightly built, robed figure stands in the very back of the party.  With a nod from my compatriot across the room we wait for the skinny fellow to get to the center of the chamber before we attack.  I leap from my alcove and bury my sword deep into the intruder’s side.  I am pleased to see an arc of blood shoot from his mouth and paint the floor with its scarlet hue.  My comrade hacks into the first warrior just beyond my opponent and is rewarded with a solid hit.  The sharp edge of his sword shears the big man’s mail just above his right elbow and spills forth more of the crimson fluid onto the cold flagstones.  The intruders begin to shout but I ignore their words and step up to block a warhammer wielded by another of the more brawny interlopers.  The heavy thunk of his weapon vibrates my shield arm and pushes the rim of my buckler into my sword arm.  Out of the corner of my eye I see that the other guard has begun fencing with his wounded opponent.  Their blows rain down and are caught and deflected by shield or sword.  As I slash the shield of my foe with the hammer I hear an unexpected crash to my left.  My attack has only scored the steel of his buckler and I am pushed back once more by the heavy blow of his weapon.  I dare a glance to my left and see my compatriot lying still on the floor, his skull cleft in twain.  It is now four-to-one and I know in my heart that I cannot withstand the intruders unless I force them to come at me one at a time.  I retreat to my alcove blocking the blows of the warhammer as I step backwards.  There is a flash of sudden light, an explosion of color, and my left arm is ripped away!  There is no pain.  I hear my shield clattering on the gray stones of the floor.  Raising my sword to block his next attack I await for the agony of my wound to overwhelm me.  It doesn’t happen I must have gone numb and into shock.  In horror I watch as my sword shatters as the head of the hammer smashes into it.  Fragments of my blade clatter all around me as I grip the useless hilt.  Staggering back groping for my belted dirk while my progress is stopped by the wall behind me.  I see the return strike from my opponent swinging my way!  I’ll never move in time, I can’t get clear!  I’m doomed!!


           The combat has ended as quickly and abrupt as it started.  I send a thankful, but silent prayer to the Elven Goddess for giving me the foresight to have prepared a quick spell before we came into the antechamber.  Looking at my companions I noticed one lay still upon the cold stone floor.  Lincoln is hurt.  His arm is dripping blood and he’s trying to staunch the flow of it but it runs off his shiny chain mail and splatters onto the flagstones.  He’s holding a rag to his bleeding right arm.  His mail shines in the faint light and he turns to his brother, a concerned look spreading across his features.

           “Nasty fight, eh Henry?” he scoffs.  

            “Hey Lincoln, how’s Paul?” Henry said, checking his war-hammer for damage.

            The other warrior stands up from our fallen comrade.

            “Dead I’m afraid,” the other warrior remarked.  “Got stuck right in the ribs, probably skewered his heart with the first thrust, unlucky for him.  I didn’t seem them coming, did you?”

            “No, Lincoln I didn’t.  Damn creepy of them to come at us without uttering a sound.”

            A doff my hood as Henry turns to me.  Moving into the room with all my elven grace I watch the warriors go through their post-battle rituals.

            “Thanks for the arcane bolt spell, Aurelia,” he says.  “It came just in time to help me finish the job.”

            Stopping in the center of the room I examine the carnage.

     “I’ll tell you what,” I smile.  “I’ve never seen skeletons fight so hard and so quickly.  This treasure vault was well guarded, I must admit.  I hope Paul’s death is worth it.”

Ashley Aloft!

AUTHOR’S NOTE; The following is work of fiction, however the circumstances could be very real.  Everytime I post something I think, “This is on the Internet forever.  Do I really want to do this?”.  However not all people are so lucky or smart.  If you have ever thought about uploading something about yourself then let this be a cautionary tale to remind you that the Internet is forever, much like herpes.

Ashley Aloft!

            Ashley smoothed out her skirt and returned to sitting, one ankle draped over the other.  The waiting room was silent except the tap-tap-tapping of the secretary’s keyboard while she typed.  The faint stirring sounds of elevator music breaking the near quiet whenever the lift’s doors opened.  There were five others in the room.  Each of the prospective employees kept an empty seat between each other just for safety’s sake.  One couldn’t be too careful.  Ashley understood this all too well and for it she faced her current dilemma.  She sighed deeply.  The sensation of her AA medallion brushed against her skin beneath her blouse, a constantly reminder of her past life.

            At twenty-nine she was trying to enter the job market at an age where most of her peers were already employed, married and had kids.  But not Ashley, she bucked that trend.  Her mind went back to all those blurry, scattered memories she had.  When everyone else in her senior class was either working or going to college she had found a different position.  Partying. 

            It started innocently enough, it always does,” she grumbled to herself.  Underage drinking, smoking the occasional fattie and then waking up with a desert dry mouth and bubble guts. 

            But days flowed into months and then to years.  Heavy drinking, waking up in strange places with nameless men and then to long stretches of memory loss started to be the norm.  At twenty she was a bonefide alcoholic and an embarrassment to her single mother.   Tattoos, piercings and even more guzzling followed. 

            And then It happened.

            Waking up after a three day binge, just before her twenty-fifth birthday she found herself in a dark room.  Staggering out of it she encountered another chamber of the dwelling filled with empty beer and whiskey bottles, snoring passed-out people only lit by a computer monitor.  She remembered padding naked (waking up this way wasn’t unusual by this time) she saw the amateur video blog.  The scene frozen on the screen made her entire body go cold.  Her eyes had flicked to the hit counter which was showing an impossibly high number.  Tears welled up in her eyes for the woman perched naked between two equally nude men was her.  Her body was aloft, just hanging above a litter of empty beer bottles and hovering in place.  Suddenly she became aware of the taste in her mouth, the dull pain between her legs and the sharp stabbing agony on the back of her neck.  She pressed play and watched herself and her playmates go into action.  The men thrust and laughed, she heard her own drunken voice gurgling and giggling.  Her arms and legs dangling above the floor while she was used like some cheap whore.  The video ended with her falling amid the bottles puking up booze, boys and barbeque potato chips.  Her hands fled to her hair.  The crusted strands giving her a nasty reality to the entire debacle.

            Those bastards had the nerve to do this to me and then post it on the Internet! She snarled quietly to herself.  I was just another drunk slut to be pinned in place by them, recorded and uploaded just for a laugh.  To these frat boys I was just a used and abused life support system having soft orifices; they didn’t even consider me a human being at all.  When it went viral they thought they were celebrities!

            She had dressed quickly, her vision wavering from her hot tears.  She remembered deleting the video but the hits had stopped at over sixty thousand.  She ran out of the frat house she left the college students behind and quickly checked herself into a rehab facility. The viral video had been taken down hours after it had been posted but it was too late.  Millions of people had seen it and after two years it still was quite memorable.  People on the ‘net were clamoring for more of her antics.  Apparently one of the Greeks sent it off to an amateur site.  The drunken scrawl of her signature prevented further litigation.   

            It’s been four years but that night will haunt me forever.  Nobody realizes when something is put on the Web it’s there forever! 

            She couldn’t go anywhere the first year without someone recognizing her from the video.  She’d start to introduce herself—but only would get out her first name.

            “I’m Ashley…,” she would begin.

            “Aloft!” they would merrily exclaim.

            Ashley Aloft—how wonderful, she mused sorrowfully.  I wish life had a back button.

            Clean and sober for the past forty-eight months she took day classes so she could still attend her AA meetings in the evening.  Her mother had helped greatly.  The sweet call of alcohol still haunted her, singing into her mind every second of her waking moments.  It begged her to take just one drink, to feel the warm glow emulating from her stomach to spread to her whole body so she could be free.  Freedom from this depressing existence so she could break the bonds of proper society and what was expected of her. To escape the chains of responsibility so she could do what she wanted, when she wanted and how she wanted.  Nights spent thrashing wildly on a dance floor, dozens of hot bodies pressing against her.  The sensation of being loved and denying the ugliness she saw in the mirror every morning.  Only beer, wine or whiskey could soothe the false image she kept of herself. 

            Not anymore, she thought.  I have seen the errors of my ways and come to grips with myself.  I am not the boy-crazy drunk I used to be.  I am my own person and I will not give up the dignity and respect I’ve found. 

            Brushing away a strand of her honey blonde hair as if to physically wipe away the dark gloomy cloud forming in her mind she deliberately sat up straight.  A name was called, it wasn’t hers.  Another young woman stood up and strolled into the Human Resources director’s office.  Ashley checked her watch.

            “Aren’t you…,” a man beside her said.

            She stiffened up, preparing for the inevitable.

            “… Jill Mason?” he finished.

            “I’m sorry what did you say?” she inquired.

            “For a second I thought I knew you—from back in high school.  You’re name’s not Jill, is it?”

            “No sorry.”

            He went back to flipping through the pages of a golf magazine while she took deep breaths to calm herself.  Every time somebody started to speak she feared, dreaded and prayed she wouldn’t hear “Ashley Aloft” or some other version of it.  Even her own mind would chant it, punishing her for her stupidity.  The door opened and the woman who had gone into it exited without a smile.  Inwardly she smiled, the position still wasn’t filled.

            “Ashley…,” the secretary said.

            Aloft!  Aloft! Her evil brain cheered sophomorically.

            “…Neumann?” she ended the query.

            “That’s me,” she answered.

            “Mr. Davis will see you next.”

            “Thank you.”
            Standing up she tucked her portfolio under her arm and headed towards the door.  In the threshold a young man, about her age was smiling at her.  She returned the grin but, as always wondered if her unwanted fame was the reason for his smirk.

            “I’m Mr. Davis,” he said, “but you can call me Bill.”

            “It’s a pleasure to meet you Bill,” she replied.  “My name is Ashley…”

            Aloft!  Aloft!  Ashley Aloft! Her mind echoed.

            “… Neumann,” she finished.

            “Come inside please,” he said with a gesture of his arm.

            Walking into the office she took a seat in front of his large desk and admired the view of the New York City skylight in the window behind his chair.  Lazy clouds drifted past the tops of the skyscrapers and it made her smile.

            “I see you graduated NYU with a major in advertising,” he began taking a seat.  “Your grades are exemplary and your attendance without a single missed day.  I have even received your AA counselor’s recommendation which speaks highly of you.  Before you worry about that let me tell you it won’t count against you.  The fact you recognized your problem and did something about it only makes me admire your willpower and fortitude.”

            “Thank you Bill, I appreciate that,” she stated.

            “We’re looking for someone to take over the advertising campaign for a small market fashion designer here in New York.  The job is temporary but if it is done to our satisfaction it could easily be translated into a full-time position.”

            “I look forward to the challenge if you’ll give me the opportunity.”

            He nodded at her reply and began the interview.


            The call came two days later.  Her mother handed her the phone, both of their hands trembling with anticipation and anxiety.  Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and spoke into the device.

            “Hello,” she said.

            “Ms. Neumann this is Miss Rendell from the Aspire Advertising Agency,” the woman said.

            She recognized the voice of the secretary immediately, her eyes flew open.

            “How are you today Ms. Rendell?”

            “Quite fine, thank you.  I wanted to let you know about the end result of the interview.”

            She braced herself and prepared for the answer.

            “Mr. Davis was very impressed with your work—so much he forwarded your resume to the client in upstate New York,” the woman went on.

            Inwardly she began to do the happy dance in her mind.

            “I’m glad Mr. Davis was impressed,” she said confidently.

            “We just got the reply back via email and he wanted me to give you a call.”

            She held her breath, not speaking out of fear her voice would crack like some adolescent boy just going through puberty.

            “I’m sorry to say you won’t be hired for this position here at Aspire,” she finished apologetically.

            “That’s alright I understand.”

            “However Mr. Davis would like to speak with you on another matter.  We haven’t posted this job yet but he felt you would be perfect for it due to your background and education.”

            Her heart leapt within the confines of her rib cage and threatened to rise up her throat to choke her from its elation.  Crossing her fingers she said, “What would the job entail if I may ask?”

            “We do represent another firm,” Ms. Rendell stated, “who feel you would tailor a campaign for them suited to their clientele and industry.  We don’t normally make mention of our association with them due to a feminine activist movement who have been harassing them of late.  Would you be interested in a full-time position working with Vibrant Studios?  It’s one of the larger pornography retailers in California and they’ve just opened up a studio here in New York.  You see the other client recognized you from something he saw on the internet years ago and felt you wouldn’t be right for the job.  Too controversial, he said.” 

            Ashley Aloft!  Ashley Aloft! Her brain shouted sarcastically.

            The secretary went onward, “However Vibrant Studios seemed pleased with your resume and it didn’t mind a bit about what the other client recalled of you.  In fact they felt it made you over qualified for the job.  Vibrant’s position, which is full-time would pay quite handsomely—eighty thousand a year to start.  What do you think, should I set up a meeting with Mr. Brashear from Vibrant and Mr. Davis?”

            She opened her mouth to speak but found she couldn’t.  She needed the money.  Her student loans had begun to arrive in the mail and she couldn’t afford the payments on the wages she made at her part-time job. 

            One mistake and I’ll never live it down! She sobbed to herself.  I’ve worked so hard to overcome my drinking and stupidity—all for nothing! I’m still the drunken whore pinned between two naked men on the Internet!

            Trembling she shut her eyes and tried to see a way out of this.  Her past, undyingly had come back to haunt her.  Ashley’s eyes began to well up with hot tears as she agreed to the position.

Tender Tentacles

AUTHOR’S NOTE: The following is a work of romantic erotica containing adult language and sexual situations.  If you are below the age of eighteen years of age LEAVE NOW!  This is another one of those stories I wrote because of an image I saw on the Internet (just like in Curling).  Below is the very image that provoked this tale. 

Tender Tentacles

            Suki Sato stood in front of the table laden with fish, her knife in her hand.  The dirty look upon her face crinkling up her pert nose for the task at hand seemed endless.  Mr. Wang’s Fish Market was a busy place in the city of San Francisco and the wharf-side shop was crawling with customers.  Most of them were Americans who looked like they were straight out of the travel magazines.  A sigh heaved through her small chest and she yanked across another cold, wet and dead aquatic animal to begin gutting it up for sale.  Stuffing her brown hair under her hairnet she groaned silently and got to work.

            It’s raining outside, I’m stuck in here chopping up fish and I’m lonely, the she groused to herself.  To think I left this kind of situation in Japan only to suffer it here in America is ironic.

          The only bright spot stood across from her at the same table.  A black haired Asian beauty worked in silence.  She had found herself grinning unexpectedly when the newcomer was introduced by Mr. Wang.  But Lin Arimori had kept her eyes downcast ever since then.  It was obvious this employee fresh off the plane.  Although Suki was from Japan she knew without a doubt Lin was from Korea.  Her rounder eyes and softer facial features were a testament to her heritage.  Somehow Suki knew finding a job here at Mr. Wang’s and working here part-time was less than this girl expected.  She still felt the same way since coming from Toyko.  That fact didn’t deter the other woman, for it only being her first day on the job she appeared too serious and focused.  Suki, on the other hand was well versed in her chores having been here for six months. 

            Looking over she tried not to stare in fear of getting caught.  Lin was heavier in the chest, her breasts rolling and shuddering with every flashing of her knife.  The stray ebony strands escaping the confines of her hair net made Suki’s fingers itch to push them back out of the way.  Her soft skin, those deep brown eyes and the puckered bow-like lips had provided her with too much of a distraction.  She had nipped herself with her sharp blade once already producing a thin ribbon of blood which had run down her fingertip.  She stuck it into her mouth just before going to the medical kit hanging on the wall.  Fortunately for Suki, Lin hadn’t realized what exactly had happened.  Nor could she see the interest boiling out of her.

            “It’s lunch time!” Mr. Wang called out twice, once in Japanese and the other in Korean. 

           She had been so bothered by her musings she hadn’t heard the man come into the backroom.  The rest of them, an even dozen smiled and set down their tools and quickly made their way out.  They clucked and chatted like a pack of noisy hens.  Mr. Wang seemed to exclusively employ Asian women from a variety of nations.  But he was fond of Japanese or Koreans. He seemed to like to employ only people from those two countries.  Suki knew this was the case because the shop holder was from Okinawa but his wife was from Seoul.  She took great delight in noticing that Lin reacted at the first announcement.

            She speaks Japanese, how interesting

            After their co-workers filed out of the backroom.  However looking quite confused and unsure what to do Lin stood there waiting for someone to tell her where to go and what to do.

            “You didn’t bring lunch?” Suki asked.

            “No I had a hard time getting up,” she muttered, still avoiding Suki’s eyes.

            “I brought enough for two do you want to share?”

            “I would be honored.”

            “You’re name is Lin, right?”


            “My name’s Suki—I’m from Japan.  Where were you born?”


            “I see.  Don’t be shy I won’t bite.”

            Unless you want me to.

            She handed the other woman the second of two sandwiches she had brought from her small apartment a few blocks away.  Luckily Suki had a spare Coke as well.  Silently they both sat on stools away from the cutting table, their backs to the wall.

            “I sense you’re very sad,” the Japanese woman boldly said.  “Do you miss your home and family?”

            “Yes,” Lin whispered.  “My brother didn’t make it.  The soldiers at the docks chased him down.  He was helping me into the boat when they spotted us, he ran away to distract them.  I don’t know if he’s still alive.”

            “You’re from North Korea then.”


            “Are you all alone here?”

            “Mr. Wang works with an organization that helps people like my brother and I to escape the terrible regime in the North.  I owe him much.”

            “I’m so sorry about your brother.  I’m sure in time he’ll join you.”

            “I pray this will be the case.  But he had no where to run back to since our family had disowned us both.”

            Eating in silence once more Suki couldn’t help but be curious about the details of Lin’s escape. It was a pleasant change in her thoughts distracting her from the nearness of this beautiful woman.  However she watched as a tear ran down her perfect cheek and the need to kiss it away was almost too great. 

            “You’re very pretty but you need to smile more often,” she said eventually.  “You’re in America now and the possibilities are endless.  You can go to school and get a good education, even become an activist or a lawyer and help people like your brother.”

            “I-I hadn’t thought of that,” the yellow skinned beauty stammered.

            “It’s true!  There is so much opportunity here it’s unbelievable.  All you need is some friends and a good laugh.”

            “I don’t think I’ll ever laugh again—not after Chen.”

            “I can make you laugh I bet!”

            Jumping up a strange humor filled her soul and with a silly grin she scampered over to the table.  Suki snapped up an uncut octopus and slapped it on her head, the rubbery tentacles coldly caressing her face and dripping sea water down her neck.  Turning in place she struck a comical antagonist’s pose, crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

            “Argh!” she laughed. “It’s the revenge of the hentai tentacle beast–it has returned from the cold sea!  Run for your lives!”

            The astonished look on Lin’s face was priceless.  The hand holding her sandwich was frozen halfway to her lips for several for several awkward and silent seconds.  A smile split the Korean’s face and she covered her mouth with a dainty hand to cover her giggling laughter.  The tinkling sound was infectious and soon Suki found she was snickering uncontrollably as well. 

            “You are so funny!” Lin wailed, tears running down her face.

            “I told you I could make you smile.”

            Surprisingly her lunch mate leaped to her feet and ludicrously jammed another of the many limbed sea creature on her own skull.  Jokingly she pranced around striking hysterical stances, like some weird model and making funny grunting noises.  The oozing limbs quivering and swinging while she moved.  The water dipping down her features washing away her tears. 

            “All run in fear from the sequel!  It’s the Twin Tentacle Beasts!” Lin said in an movie announcer’s voice.  “No one is safe!  Flee to the hills—scream in terror!”

             Suki fell to her knees, her stomach aching from all the merriment.  Wrapping her arms around her middle she hugged the cramping sensations contorting her belly.  Wiping tears from her eyes sat down on the floor.

            “Thank you,” her co-worker said amid a fit of giggling.  “I really needed that.”

            She sank down in front of her.  Lin’s sweet face just a foot away from Suki’s making the desire to kiss her take precedence in her mind. 

            “I would like to be your friend,” the Korean said.

           The soft expression which crossed her features as she spoke made Suki blush out of embarrassment, this woman only wanted to be her friend.  All the wishing in the world wouldn’t transform her into a lover.  She felt sadness well up into her soul, for too long she had been single.  Leaving her last lover in Japan Suki had yet to find another for the hectics days had been spent just trying to survive in San Francisco.  The newcomer cocked an eyebrow at her reaction.  Turning away for her misery would only drag Lin back down into her own.  She didn’t want that to happen.

             “You are sad too,” the taller woman softly stated.

            “I-it’s nothing,” she lied.

            “Don’t be unhappy.  Look!  Your sister Tentacle Beast is about to stick out her tongue at the world!”

            Turning to face Lin her mouth dropped open in shock.  The woman had put a chopped up tentacle into her mouth and it hung down to her lap making her look like some strange drooling creature.  Between the limply hanging rubber strands dangling off Lin’s head and the bizarre mouthful she was sporting Suki’s sorrow disappeared.  Reaching out she grabbed up the other end and stuffed it between her lips.  Between choking fits of mirth and watery eyes they sat there on the cold, watery concrete floor like two female asylum inmates.  Suki’s merriment was halted unexpectedly when Lin reached out a hand and put it on her shoulder.  The contact made the moment freeze in time.  Eons passed while the warmth of the other woman’s hand sank into her shirt and infused a hot feeling throughout her body.

            “Lin I’m not sure…,” she blubbered past a slimy mouthful.

            An expression passed across Lin’s face like a cloud crossing the summer sky.  Leisurely it seemed to hang there.  The woman’s hand descending from her shoulder sent heated chills into Suki’s mind.  Sitting like a statue she watched as Lin undid the buttons to her blouse and tugged down the straps of her bra.  Cold air of the back room caressing the flesh of her chest made her realize this was no lesbian fantasy of hers.  She was not lying on her bed, masturbating to a dreamed up scene from her fevered and frustrated imagination.  She was really experiencing this pleasant drifting upon a boiling sea of hot emotions   The icy chill and the searing anticipation made her nipples erect and protrude, hoping for the possibility of being touched, caressed or kissed. 

            “Really Lin you shouldn’t…,” she began.

            “Sssh be quiet I want to,” answered the pretty woman mumbled, still kneeling in front of her.

            Shivering with anticipation Suki just waited, her breath husking out between quivering lips.  Finally an errant palm and long fingers slid down to encompass her small A-cup breast.  Both of them groaned in ecstasy while her bosom was kneaded and squeezed.  A flood of desire exploded from her soul and filled her with a passion she had long given up on.

          “Your breasts are so petite.  So firm and soft,” Lin warbled past the tentacle.

          She couldn’t formulate a reply, only sigh and moan with pleasure.  Suki locked her gaze with the one from this magnificent woman’s.  In the Korean girl’s eyes she thought she could fathom the reason she had been cast out of her family.  Why this gorgeous creature had left her homeland and why her brother trying to protect her.  She wasn’t sure this was real. 

         It could be only a fantasy, a made-up story I creating as she fondles meOh this feels so good!  I’ve missed being touched!

        But the idea that Lin was the same as her, a woman who loved other women made her heart pound like a wild thing in her chest.  It felt like it was trying to break past her ribs and drop into Lin’s hands a visible gift proving her secret admiration and desire.  Like the ropey length of gray octopus tentacle hanging between their lips, the unspoken questions they both longed to ask dangled there in a tantalizing silence.  Lin unbuttoned her top displaying the C-cupped beauties she possessed.  The silent kneading of her tits and the unabashed exposure making Suki’s heart swell with an aching need.  The comical scene was transcended by the shining affection in both of their eyes. 

       Lin was beautiful.  Her perfect pink capped breasts, the flesh of her bosom dotting with goose-pimple made Suki almost pass out.  Shockingly Lin was leaning forward placing her other hand on Suki’s other breast.  Responding kind, she too reached out taking both of those tantalizingly soft globes in her hands, her thumbs brushing the engorged buds.  Their heavy weight and womanly warmth made her moan and close her eyes.  Fondling each other in silence the two women pinched and kneaded one another, words now meaningless.  Oozing out of her bow-like lips the grayed flesh of the tentacles flopped out and hit the floor with a splat.  Suki parted her jaws releasing the other end.

            “I want to kiss you,” Lin whispered.  “Would you like that?”

            “I-I can’t believe this,” she hoarsely muttered. “Are you being serious?  If you’re lying you will break my heart.”

            Bending at the waist she made good on her admittance.  Those pert flower-like lips met hers.  A soft moan escaped her co-worker’s mouth while their tongues danced and cavorted.  The kiss was too brief it left Suki only wanting more.

            “No I am being sincere,” Lin demurely stated, looking down. “I have been watching you watch me. If you had been paying more attention you would’ve seen me doing the same.  When you cut yourself I wanted to kiss the hurt away.  I felt the connection between us, like our hearts were talking without us knowing about it.  I tried to turn away, to concentrate on my work but since I first laid eyes on you my heart was lost.  Say you feel the same way.”

            Suki was shocked and saw tears forming in Lin’s eyes.  She wiped them away.

            “I do feel the same.  I can’t believe y-you’re gay?” she asked.

            “What is gay?” the Korean asked quizzically.  “If you mean that I crave a women’s touch instead of a man’s then you are right.  My family disowned me because I refused to marry some bow-legged young man in our village.  My parents were angry when I refused for they had spent a lot of money on the marriage broker who arranged it all.  My brother risked being cast out as well just to help me leave the country.  Chen risked his own happiness so his little sister could live as she wished.”

            “That is so noble.”

            “He was a good man.”

            “Where are you staying?” Suki inquired.

            “Mr. Wang is letting me stay above the shop for right now,” Lin stated.

            “Would you like to go out after work for tea perhaps?”

            “I’d like that.  We have much to discuss and I very much wish to explore the feelings you have stirred in my heart.”

            “Your thoughts equal mine.”

            Footsteps shook them out of the strange, comical but romantic scene.  Lin kissed her again.  It still wasn’t long enough for Suki’s taste but it held all the promise and passion of better things to come.  Quickly stuffing themselves into bras and shirts they stood up just as their co-workers came back.  Striking silly poses like some wierd pop-icon singers they both shocked and amused their fellow fish gutters.  They joined the howling laughter which penetrated into the front of the shop.  Mr. Wang came running into the back to stare in shock at the two women wearing fishy and bizarre headgear. 

            Winking at the taller woman Suki smiled at the anticipation of getting off work, showering and having tea with Lin.  Her dreary mood dispersed in the sunshine of Lin’s returned grin.  Hope blossomed anew in her heart.

            Perhaps today wasn’t such a bad day after all, she mused silently.